Physicist: Both Godel and Feynman had an amazing ability to understand the most fundamental workings of reality, staring unblinkingly into the infinite unknown. The real question is; who could stare unblinkingly into the infinite fist of a beat-down?
One of the little known facts about Feynman is that he was a proficient bongo player, which leads me to suspect that he could probably land some solid combos. Also, when shit goes down, who do you call? Feynman. When Challenger blew up? Feynman. When no one could build a nuke? Feynman. What happens when quantum field theory doesn’t adhere to causality? Feynman ain’t shook. Somebody help, there’s a kitten locked in this safe! I shit you not, Feyman’ll crack it. Bad ass.
Gödel on the other hand is no stranger to talking shit to everybody. His incompleteness theorem has made him one of the most reviled mathematicians ever. After his doctoral thesis on how everybody is wasting their time (the “Incompleteness Theorem”) and may as well give up, he was called “Jerk of the year” by most of the mathematical and scientific community. His response? “Prove it.” Also, his ass was crazy. Like “you punch me in the face and I’ll bite your hand” crazy. What did he do when he figured out that aliens and unseen government forces were conspiring to poison him? He made his wife eat his food first.
In a fair fight Feynman would win easy. He understands the game. He knows what to do. The dude’s got a plan!
In a dirty fight Godel would win. Because he’ll chew on anything that isn’t food. (snap!)
LOL, I like the response: “Prove it!”… Great stuff, classic!
I’m impressed by Gödel. He was a really deep thinker. I think Feynman would agree to that:)
Glad you mentioned about the bongos. Yep, when I read your question in the list on the right, my immediate reaction was Feynman would win of course – he would belt Godel around the head with his bongo drums. RF is my all time hero. What a mensch!
I read that Godel was a hypochondriac. All feynman would have had to do was to sneeze in his hands, and Godel would submit before the first punch landed. Even if godel would attempt to grapple or come in close enough to throw a punch, Feynman could sneeze at him.
No, in a direct face off, Feynman would win. However, the incompleteness theory alone proves that Godel is more the ‘scorched earth / poisoned well’ personality imo. Feynman would win the battle, but Godel would then somehow arrange for him to have a freak accident while playing bongos or something like that.
Feynman was a great physcisist and physicists know how the nature works not mathematician . Therefore its clear feynman win.
Fenyman was fond of orange juice ..Always worth the squeeze.
QFT will come and go. The incompleteness theorem will haunt mathematics until the end of time.
Only Freeman Dyson could give a feasible answer to that question.