Monthly Archives: April 2011

Q: Why is the integral/antiderivative the area under a function?

Physicist: If you’ve taken calculus, then at some point you learned that to find the area under a function (generally written ) you need to find the anti-derivative of that function.  The most natural response to these types of theorems … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Equations, Math | 59 Comments

Thank you!

Dear reader, we are excited to announce that, for the first time in the history of the universe, has broken 100,000 page views in a single month! This is significant because it is approximately the number of fingers that … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Mathematician, -- By the Physicist | 8 Comments

Mathematical proof of the existence of God.

Physicist: This derivation isn’t particularly easy, but bear with me.  It’s essentially a re-phrasing of a joint work by Descartes, Godel, and Hawking. Beginning with the unitarity of quantum probability you find the non-vanishing deism coefficient manifest. The set of … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, April Fools | 50 Comments