Monthly Archives: December 2011

Q: Could God have existed forever? Is it actually feasibly possibly for some ‘being’ to have just existed, infinitely?

Physicist: Far be it for me to tell a god what it can do. Without knowing more about the exact properties of gods, there’s not much to work with.  The best way to answer this is to get a few … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Philosophical | 21 Comments

Q: How can wormholes be used for time travel?

Physicist: A good way to think about a wormhole is as a single region of space.  That is, while the ends may be in two different locations, the wormhole itself is a single “piece of space”. So, even if you … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Physics, Relativity | 17 Comments

Q: If gravity suddenly increased would airplanes fall out of the sky, or would it compress the air in such a way that airplanes could keep flying?

The original question was: “In Kurt Vonnegut’s “Slapstick” there is talk of Earth’s gravity randomly changing, causing planes to fall out of the sky. Since planes fly because of air pressure variance between the top and bottom of the wings, … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Physics | 34 Comments