Physicist: Colors exist in very much the same way that art and love exist. They can be perceived, and other people will generally understand you if you talk about them, but they don’t really exist in an “out in the world” kind of way. Although you can make up objective definitions that make things like “green”, “art”, and “love” more real, the definitions are pretty ad-hoc. Respectively: “green” is light with a wavelength between 520 and 570 nm, “art” is portraits of Elvis on black velvet, and “love” is the smell of napalm in the morning.
But these kinds of definitions merely correspond to the experience of those things, as opposed to actually being those things. There is certainly a set of wavelengths of light that most people in the world would agree is “red” (rojo, rubrum, rauður, 紅色, أحمر, ruĝa, …). However, that doesn’t mean that the light itself is red, it just means that a Human brain equipped with Human eyes will label it as red.

You can create an objective definition for green (right), but that’s not really what you mean by “green” (left).
Color is fascinating because, unlike love, its subjectiveness can be easily studied. We can say, without reservation, that a colorblind person sees colors differently than a colorseeing person.

Different people and animals see color very differently. The right side is more or less the way most other mammals, as well as red/green colorblind people, see the world.
When a photon (light particle) strikes the back of the eye, whether or not it’s detected depends on what kind of cell it hits and on the wavelength of the light. We have three kinds of cells, which is pretty good for a mammal, each of which has a different probability of detecting light at various wavelengths. One of the consequences of this is that we don’t perceive a “true” spectrum. Instead, our brains have three values to work with, and they create what we think of as color from those.

The three cones cells, and their sensitivity to light of different wavelengths. The dotted line corresponds to the sensitivity of rod cells, which are mostly used for low-light vision.
However, some animals have different kinds of cone cells that allow them to see colors differently, or see wavelengths of light that we don’t see at all. For example, many insects and birds can see into the near-ultraviolet which is the color we don’t see just beyond purple. Many birds have ultraviolet plumage, because why not, and many flowering plants use ultraviolet coloration to stand out and direct insects to their pollen.

Left: what people see. Middle: a false-color simulation of what insects may see. Right: a black and white ultraviolet only image
In the deep ocean most animals are blind, or have a very limited range of color sensitivity (it’s as dark as a witch’s something-or-other; what is there to see?). But some species, like the Black Dragonfish, have taken advantage of that by generating red beams of light that they can see, but that their prey can’t.

The Black Dragonfish cleverly projects red light from those white thingies behind its eyes, which is invisible to its prey.
It may seem strange that some creatures are just “missing” big chucks of the light spectrum, but keep in mind; that’s all of us (people and critters alike). The visible spectrum (so called, because we can see it), is the brightest part of the Sun’s spectrum. Since it’s what’s around, life on Earth has evolved to see it (many times!). But, there is a lot more spectrum out there that no living thing comes close to seeing.
Point is, light comes in a lot of different wavelengths, but which wavelengths correspond to which color, or which can even be seen, depends entirely on the eyes of the creature doing the looking, and not really on any property of the light itself. There isn’t any objective “real” color in the world. The coloring of the rainbow is nothing more than a shared (reliable, consistent, and kick-ass) illusion.
The lack of objective colorness is a real pain for the science of photography. Making a substance that becomes (what we call) yellow when it’s exposed to (what we call) yellow light is exactly as difficult as creating a substance that turns magenta when exposed to yellow light. In a nut-shell, that’s why it took so long for color photography to come along, although there are other theories:
So, it’s difficult to design film that reacts to light in such a way that we see the colors on the film as “accurate.” But, in the same sense that yellow may as well be magenta (for all that the film cares), infra-red may as well be red! You can (were you so motivated) buy infrared sensitive film that photographs light below what we can see, but above what most people call “heat” (the light radiated by warm, but not glowing-hot, objects).

A picture using film that’s sensitive to near-infrared light. This is not a picture of heat (that would use far-infrared), living plants just happen to be infrared-colored.
In fact, most “science pictures” you see: anything with stars, galaxies, individual cells, etc. are “false-color images”. That is, the cameras detect a form of light that we can’t see (e.g., radiowaves), and then “translate” them into a form we can see. Which is fine. If they didn’t, then radio astronomy would be stunningly pointless.
Infrared photo by Richard Mosse.
Color exists, but only inside our heads. What you call color is your own **interpretation** of waves of energy flying through the air at different frequencies. A sensor (an eye) detects the energies, and a translator (our brain) turns that into something that helps us find food and not BE food. We call that something “color.”
A camera can also sense the energies and a computer can translate that into code, and that code can be retranslated onto a monitor that replicates the same frequency of energy waves. When our eyes take in the energies sent from the monitor, our brains can then retranslate and create that beautiful phenomenon that we call color.
Maybe this will help. A minuscule fragment from a pile of poop floats through the air. It enters your nose, and to you it smells bad. It smells, like … well, poop. But that piece of poop isn’t the sensation of smell. It’s a physical entity. It’s a tiny, tiny chemical compound with a certain shape with molecules rotating at specific angles and speeds. Your nose senses those shapes and energies and your brain turns that into your own personal interpretation. That’s when the smell happens. In our heads. And for all we know, to a fly, the poop smells like pizza.
Very good article and thanks for explanation. If color is only perception, then why we cannot change colors that is the perception by seeing in different perspective?
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Colors are a Combination of both the External Electromagnetic Radiation, our Eye’s Photoreceptors and our Brain. One can imagine Colors to be the byproduct, just like Government is the Byproduct of the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.
One cannot be changed without affecting the other.
No One single of those elements are in charge.
The outside and the inside Both work together to produce color.
Is there color without light? In a darkened room there is no color. Is it there when we cannot see it?
I’ve always thought that everyone’s “favorite” color was their favorite because their eyes and their brain saw it more vividly than the other colors. And possibly certain colors may “speak” to a person more than others. This article appears to at least support that theory. As an example is cyan my favorite color because I see it more vividly than other colors in the spectrum. Does anyone have any comments on my idea? I’m not a scientist and this may be just another harebrained lay idea.
You can change color if you take LSD
I just read this because I just wanted to
Color does not exist,it is just illusion of our brains with us.
Color does not exist,it is just illusion of our brains with us.
You don’t need to explain it to me wether color exist or not.,, actually I don’t want to know it.
I’m doing a science project on how the eye sees light and if light and color really exist. In the Bible, God says our view on this world is distorted. Any advice?
I’m doing a science project on how the eye sees light and if light and color really exist. In the Bible, God says our view on this world is distorted. Any advice??