Q: How much of a direct effect do planets and stars have on us? Is astrology reasonable or plausable?

Physicist: Of the four forces: gravity, electromagnetism, nuclear-strong, and nuclear-weak, only the first two, gravity and EM, affect things over distances (at least, over distances larger than an atomic nucleus).  So, if the planets and stars have any direct influence on us it should be by way of one or both of those forces.

Clearly, it’s a good time to be a Leo.  Sucks for you, Aquarius.

The Moon’s gravity famously causes the tides, but the Moon’s electric field is effectively zero (but very interestingly, not exactly zero), and its magnetic field is random, scattered, and nearly non-existent.

The effect of gravity is much, much stronger than the effect of magnetic fields, and even the effect of gravity between planets is tiny. The bulk of those tiny forces is off-set by the fact that the Earth is free to move and fall through space (during free-fall is the only time you don’t feel gravity). This leaves only the much weaker secondary “tidal effects“, so called because they’re responsible for the tides which, although seemingly impressive, require very little force (specifically, the difference in the strength of the Earth’s gravity over the half-dozen feet of the tides).

The Moon’s gravity causes tides, but effectively nothing else. The Sun’s gravity has about 40% of the Moon’s influence and Jupiter, which completely dwarfs the effects of all of the other planets combined, has about 1 two-hundred-thousandth of the Moon’s tidal effect.

More than that, the gravity and electromagnetic influence of planets isn’t terribly surgical. Either will just pull on you in a very uniform way. They don’t grab a few cells at a time and re-write you love life or change your mood. Probably. Point is, our understanding of the known forces of the universe preclude the idea of the planets and stars having any direct influence on people.

Now to be fair, not being able to fit something into the current model doesn’t immediately exclude it from the realm of possibility.  For example, way back in the day the science fluid dynamics was really good at explaining how things like air and water move, but also “proved” that nothing should be able to fly.  Another beautiful example was a conundrum faced by geologists around 1900.  They had buckets of evidence that the Earth was at least hundreds of millions of years old (the ones who turned out to be right thought that the Earth was substantially older), and yet a back-of-the-envelope calculation showed that during that time the interior of the Earth should have cooled so much that volcanoes and other geothermal nonsense should be absolutely impossible.

But of course a quick look around shows a world full of birds and volcanoes.  So if there’s something around (birds and volcanoes), it really makes no difference what the prevailing scientific theory says one way or the other. Because reality wins.  It’s even written into the science charter, line one: “reality wins”.
By the way, the “flying issue” was later solved by taking into account rotational flows and viscosity, and the “warm Earth problem” is resolved by taking into account radioactive decay (which hadn’t been discovered yet).

So the better question isn’t “can so-called ‘science’ explain astrological effects?” but instead “are there astrological effects?”. There has been a lot of research into astrological phenomena, but so far all of the results have been negative or unrepeatable (science talk for “this isn’t a thing”).  Since the 18th or 19th century the scientific community has pretty much stopped looking, but they were at it for a very long time. There aren’t many scientific papers that seriously investigate this sort of thing, partly because the results are well-known, and partly because the experiments involved are easy enough that they tend to show up in middle-school science fairs relatively often (this is also why there are no articles in Nature about baking soda and vinegar volcanoes).

For example, just take all of the astrological predictions out of a newspaper (pardon: website) and read them in a random order to someone else (this is called a “blind experiment”) and see which one is closest to being accurate. You’ll find that the “correct one” is selected about once out of every 12 trials.

Long story short; whatever affect other planets and stars may have on us individually is completely drowned out by local “noise” (like the gravity and EM field of a passing truck), and worse there doesn’t seem to be an effect that needs explaining.

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59 Responses to Q: How much of a direct effect do planets and stars have on us? Is astrology reasonable or plausable?

  1. Giti Oracle says:

    Attempt 35, continuation of above

    This is what astrologers have seen dealing with scientists. The ones who are engineers and scientists and have many degrees. Every single time. And if PhD level clean rich city brats like me who don’t resemble drugged up gypsies or people in the caliber of Vic who is an expert in sanskrit and 6 languages and is a highly esteemed musician etc are treated this way, good luck with the rest. So WHY should astrologers TRUST the scientists after how science has treated them and the 4000 year old science which speaks for itself? Also, when scientists don’t want to research or test us and expect us to prove something that would require quantum physics (and much more ) to first be explained, and when they know they get nothing out of it, why should they bother? I bother because I’m a scientists. I’m a mutant among astrologers. I care. They mostly don’t. Or they don’t anymore. I was getting sick of the number of orders I was getting. We have 7 times the number of followers for astrology on Instagram than we do for astronomy. Astrologers all make six figures easily and have fun stress free lives and zero regulations. Zero. Why should they bother trying to convince scientists who don’t even show basic interest of respect? Please empathise and read these, twice, and place yourself in shoes of an astrologer. Why would you bother?

    Our predictions are all public. They can be measured. Recorded. Analysed. Traced. For centuries. Yet no one bothers. Some fo. And they write a propaganda piece. New York Times wrote an article with the title “ astrologers failed to predict covid of 2020”. Not only this article was incorrect, because astrologers DID predict a pandemic, many did, and ALL predicted a disaster for 2020, premise of astrology is NOT exact predictions of events. Astrology is about deciphering codes using archytpes. That means we have a set of predictions that we could pick from but ALL have specific boundaries and themes. It’s not guesswork. And it’s not psychical work. It’s trying to go back and fourth and based on accurate historical knowledge and mathematics in front of us ascertaining what may be coming.

  2. Error: Unable to create directory uploads/2025/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server? The Physicist says:

    @Giti Oracle
    I’m really sorry about your comments. At least some of them are in the spam folder. You need me to bring them brought out, or did you manage to get across what you wanted?

  3. Giti oracle says:

    Can’t paste the ending. Tried many times. Must be mercury retrograde.

    If you like, test me by providing exact birthday, birth time ( this must be accurate, please do not send me estimated information) and location of birth of someone you know VerY well. You can send me 2-3. So you could test and see if what I say can be applicable to all of them. Use birth data of people ( in your life or celebrities w accurate birth data) that you know of their past life events etc. it’s a huge risk for me to trust you to be ethical and honest but I do. I’ll explain exactly how the person is “ programmed” as in an AI way. And much more. Please don’t expect exact details. Astrology is about time dependent archytypal symbolism and themes. This is not psychical work and why it is beautiful and scientific and trust worthy to me. And also reproducible. You can teach yourself these techniques and start reading charts by next month. I still say, the accuracy scores must be above what anyone could achieve based on guess work and this must warrant further investigation by the scientists ( as it has by militaries of the world, political groups, royal families, Wall Street and billionaires, they just don’t talk about it).

  4. Error: Unable to create directory uploads/2025/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server? The Physicist says:

    @Giti Oracle
    How about three people I don’t know at all? Through a third party, I could send all three readings to complete strangers and then they could each choose which they think is for them.

  5. Giti Oracle says:

    I have experienced two types of reactions from scientists to date ( excluding the 1% who is truly scientific, people like me, as very few right brain/left brain types have gotten through the filters as I explained already in the modern left brain cabal of double standards and cognitive dissonance) and these two reactions can be summed as absolute disinterest with smirk on the face AND a form of snobbery.

    What you are showing is more of the latter.

    The snobbery I’m referring to is directly related to “ ego” and “ all knowingness”

    You know you are right and astrology can’t be real to the point that you won’t even bother your highness to test this using your own brain and judgment. It means nothing to you. Of course, you can’t tell me that three unknown people are somehow going to be trusted in this oddly designed experiment by you. It almost smells like Shawn Carlsron’s infamous flawed experiment. Are you Shawn Carlston? Are you refusing to look at your own program or your loved ones because you are above such low level stuff or is it because you can’t possibly risk having to admit to the accuracy and want to outsource this so that you never have to take responsibility in case, 1%, the crazy bunch who are into astrology are found to be correct?

    As I have said before snd in all my videos, I personally do not care to prove astrology’s merit to any body. My mission is to push for publications of facts re astrology, justice, democratic values, and proper scientific research, regardless of what people “ feel or believe or like”. To me, astrology is proven to have merit. I’m sitting on so much evidence, wish I had a team and funding so I could analyse these quickly and expand the research. Going by Astrologer’s oath, we cannot snd must not cheapen the ancient science by begging others to pay any attention to it. That’s where I draw the line. My entire rants have been about 1-scientists who do not know anything about astrology and have never ever had their charts read or even seen a chart, MUST stop writing or commenting about it 2- there has never been fair press or play regarding astrology in the world of science or media or religion. None, whatsoever. I will never waste my time and cheapen this science by conducting experiments that are poorly designed and are from a position of egotistical snobbery.

  6. Error: Unable to create directory uploads/2025/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server? The Physicist says:

    @Giti Oracle
    Starting from this website and a little googling, I was able to find myself, everyone close to me, and their birthdays in about ten minutes. So the “people I know very well” are not a very good test group.
    The way I test something with my own brain and judgement is to first recognize that everyone is flawed and everyone can make mistakes, including me. Confidence and delusion feel exactly the same. Just as important: I can’t be trusted to be impartial. If it were important to me for you be wrong, we could do your version of the test and then I’d just lie about the results. The way to protect the test is to blind it from both of us and that means testing people that neither of us know.
    Ultimately, I’d still send you some birthdays and locations. Does this impact anything on your end?
    In all sincerity, I would really like to see this work. I don’t think it will, but if I’m wrong about astrology I’d like to know.

  7. Gork Mouthed says:

    If subatomic studies come to conclusions that looking at an electron can impact another one seemingly unconnected, then why is it nonsense to think gravity or mere photons from stars don’t impact the molecules on Earth?

  8. Error: Unable to create directory uploads/2025/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server? The Physicist says:

    @Gork Mouthed
    That’s a very common misconception and you’re right: it’s a little silly. Almost without exception, if you read a pop-sci article about entanglement it will say something along the lines of “if you change one entangled particle, it will affect the other”. But “spooky action at a distance” absolutely is not a thing. The “no-communication theorem” makes this explicit.

  9. Adrian says:

    Endless possibilities to the everlution of every thing made up of star 🌟 dust. Just like the brightest star we are born shine brightest then we move on and on forever in the expanding universe love peace and happiness for everyone in a world of fear and shame.
    Peace to all mankind.

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