Q: How much of a direct effect do planets and stars have on us? Is astrology reasonable or plausable?

Physicist: Of the four forces: gravity, electromagnetism, nuclear-strong, and nuclear-weak, only the first two, gravity and EM, affect things over distances (at least, over distances larger than an atomic nucleus).  So, if the planets and stars have any direct influence on us it should be by way of one or both of those forces.

Clearly, it’s a good time to be a Leo.  Sucks for you, Aquarius.

The Moon’s gravity famously causes the tides, but the Moon’s electric field is effectively zero (but very interestingly, not exactly zero), and its magnetic field is random, scattered, and nearly non-existent.

The effect of gravity is much, much stronger than the effect of magnetic fields, and even the effect of gravity between planets is tiny. The bulk of those tiny forces is off-set by the fact that the Earth is free to move and fall through space (during free-fall is the only time you don’t feel gravity). This leaves only the much weaker secondary “tidal effects“, so called because they’re responsible for the tides which, although seemingly impressive, require very little force (specifically, the difference in the strength of the Earth’s gravity over the half-dozen feet of the tides).

The Moon’s gravity causes tides, but effectively nothing else. The Sun’s gravity has about 40% of the Moon’s influence and Jupiter, which completely dwarfs the effects of all of the other planets combined, has about 1 two-hundred-thousandth of the Moon’s tidal effect.

More than that, the gravity and electromagnetic influence of planets isn’t terribly surgical. Either will just pull on you in a very uniform way. They don’t grab a few cells at a time and re-write you love life or change your mood. Probably. Point is, our understanding of the known forces of the universe preclude the idea of the planets and stars having any direct influence on people.

Now to be fair, not being able to fit something into the current model doesn’t immediately exclude it from the realm of possibility.  For example, way back in the day the science fluid dynamics was really good at explaining how things like air and water move, but also “proved” that nothing should be able to fly.  Another beautiful example was a conundrum faced by geologists around 1900.  They had buckets of evidence that the Earth was at least hundreds of millions of years old (the ones who turned out to be right thought that the Earth was substantially older), and yet a back-of-the-envelope calculation showed that during that time the interior of the Earth should have cooled so much that volcanoes and other geothermal nonsense should be absolutely impossible.

But of course a quick look around shows a world full of birds and volcanoes.  So if there’s something around (birds and volcanoes), it really makes no difference what the prevailing scientific theory says one way or the other. Because reality wins.  It’s even written into the science charter, line one: “reality wins”.
By the way, the “flying issue” was later solved by taking into account rotational flows and viscosity, and the “warm Earth problem” is resolved by taking into account radioactive decay (which hadn’t been discovered yet).

So the better question isn’t “can so-called ‘science’ explain astrological effects?” but instead “are there astrological effects?”. There has been a lot of research into astrological phenomena, but so far all of the results have been negative or unrepeatable (science talk for “this isn’t a thing”).  Since the 18th or 19th century the scientific community has pretty much stopped looking, but they were at it for a very long time. There aren’t many scientific papers that seriously investigate this sort of thing, partly because the results are well-known, and partly because the experiments involved are easy enough that they tend to show up in middle-school science fairs relatively often (this is also why there are no articles in Nature about baking soda and vinegar volcanoes).

For example, just take all of the astrological predictions out of a newspaper (pardon: website) and read them in a random order to someone else (this is called a “blind experiment”) and see which one is closest to being accurate. You’ll find that the “correct one” is selected about once out of every 12 trials.

Long story short; whatever affect other planets and stars may have on us individually is completely drowned out by local “noise” (like the gravity and EM field of a passing truck), and worse there doesn’t seem to be an effect that needs explaining.

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59 Responses to Q: How much of a direct effect do planets and stars have on us? Is astrology reasonable or plausable?

  1. One interesting aspect (for me) of what passes for Astrology nowadays is that, most of the time, it seems astrologers follow a very mechanical process: take a few numbers as input, cross reference some tables, provide some lines of text as output, done. And when it comes to newspaper astrological columns then, many times it seems not even that much work went into it, as the text has all appearances of having been random generated. So, yep, it appears even them have mostly given up.

    That said, I’d like to provide some point on what I see as a flawed take on the subject. You see, my formation is as a Philosopher, and when studying Classic, Medieval and Renascence philosophies, there’s no working around the need to obtain at least some theoretical understanding of Astrology, as those older thinkers used to take it into account or at least talk about it. And in so doing, one of the most interesting realizations at which one arrives is that the actual theoretical basis for Astrology had almost nothing to do with Physics. In fact, Physics entered the picture (and the discussion) more or less at the time it began showing its many awesome results, circa 17th century or so. Before that, however, nope, it’s nowhere to be seen. Furthermore, due to Physics not being part of it, it also wasn’t thought that the planets influenced people directly, and much less that such direct influence happened by way of some kind of energy field, force or the like, concepts that simply didn’t exist back then.

    So, what did Astrology (and astrologers) actually believe? In something called “analogy” (not to be confused with the literary concept). The notion was more or less this: given that the universe and you form a single whole, it comes that “you” equals “universe minus everything that isn’t you”, or, put another way, that there’s a correlation between whatever happens with you and whatever happens to everything else. So, if you could find a regularity “out there”, that would correspond to a regularity “in here”. And what are the only absolute regularities we find in a world otherwise completely random? The planetary movements. Thus, by studying the planetary movements then correlating the “analogous” internal movements they revealed with a person’s specific, individual characteristics, you’d be able to get some insights on her past and current standing, as well as on where she was going. It should be noted, in addition, that this study of a person’s individuality should be made in person, not by merely figuring where and when she was born, because any number of life facts, up to and including what you did in the morning, influenced how you were to interpreted the analogy. Furthermore, the kind of question Astrology was supposed to answer was quite concrete, on the level of “help me find my lost keys”, and the astrologer answering, after hearing the person’s problem and doing a few calculations, “hmm… this indicates it should be near something very humid – have you looked throughout your bathroom, or perhaps in your garden?”.

    IMHO, given that one’s forced to draw two conclusions:

    First, that astrologers of old would neither do nor think valid newspaper columns, as those most definitely aren’t individualized. They’d wholeheartedly agree that there’s too much noise for those to be valid, although not in terms of the physics of the thing, but on the huge amount of everything that happened to everyone everywhere since they’ve been born, rendering any such generalization null and void.

    Second, that even if astrology has merit (I’m agnostic on this), it’s hardly something that could be double blinded. At least, I cannot imagine how one would go about developing a test to deal with such a high level of non-mechanicity.

    In any case, for anyone studying historical aspects of anything before the Enlightenment, it’s a subject worth knowing about at least a little, as grasping its central concepts makes understanding the Middle Ages and earlier periods just that much easier. 🙂

  2. LarryD says:

    Actually, the quick answer is ‘yes, the Moon, Stars, the Sun etc’ do have an effect on us the point is the Interpretation that one gives.
    Take for example, two compatible people are sitting on a bench looking up the ‘wonderful’ starry sky. They look at each other and slowly their heads move toward each other. Well, it sure ‘ain’t’ the gravitaional pull of their heads that is doing the moving! Now, put the same two people on the same night on a bench on a busy sidewalk…would the same thing happen? I doubt it.
    Another example goes back to the Roman Emperor Constantine. He laid the foundations for Modern Day Christianity in the West yet this was all based on a falling object (maybe a meteorite) and HOW the Christian scribes, travelling with his army, persuaded the emperor to interpret the event.
    We have a ‘biological clock’ that works fine when undisturbed but taking a holiday in another country requires a little time for adjustment. Other things can affect this too, happiness, fear, worry and so on but ancients put special interpretations on those feelings when they occurred at certain times, Full Moon etc.
    As for a personal view, I am a Sagittarian (part man, part four legged animal, archer) and some of my traits are those suggested by astrology but others differ very much. Having said that, according to Buddhist I was born on the day relating to a horse and in the year of the horse and need to be free. My wife certainly didn’t like that interpretation…but we’re still married!

  3. Paul Czerner says:

    Until we can mathematically quantify emotions, will, and personality, we would have no way to measure and confirm or deny such celestial effects on living beings.

  4. Xerenarcy says:

    mmm no. have to agree with the article.

    as far as i am aware astrology (as opposed to numerology) relies on the position of celestial bodies at the time of your birth to establish links between said bodies and how they will influence you when they change positions as you age. that is objectively ludicrous to a physicist.

    humoring the notion, however, in a sense yes what you see in the sky can influence your decisions. but this is not a situation exclusive to astrology, but rather superstition in general – that things / events you observe with no conceivable proof of influence on you, will somehow influence your fortune (or others’) regardless because of the event itself is being brought to your (or someone’s) attention.

    to make my point clear, not all the planets, and their orbits, were known when astrology was formed (and re-invented many times in many cultures since). therefore if this was a physical effect, it would have seemed incomplete or inconsistent (relative to today’s astrology) until all the nearby celestial bodies were identified and studied.

    however, if the symbolical significance of the planet is what causes influence attributed to astrology, then it is back to superstition and culture that influences how we interpret what we see, that causes us to make conclusions which may or may not be consistent or correct. arguably because celestial bodies vary in composition, distance, time dilation and the solar system being a dynamic, evolving system in itself, there is no conceivable way it would have a varying effect on individual people that is consistent through the ages.


    try making waves on a beach or shining a laser / torch into the water; any beach leading to the oceans will do… try to influence one specific fish in the ocean somewhere with your actions, creature, anything. that is basically the scale of influence the article argues against being significant enough to be noticeable. under the circumstances to claim success would be textbook attribution bias.

  5. aaron says:

    Not looking for an astrological connection myself, I would have to say that in terms of celestial bodies having an influence on us I would have to point out that the tidal forces caused by the Moon’s (albeit weak) gravity have been cited as having been fundamental in the formation of early life in the Earth’s seas, and Jupiter’s gravity has meant that we have avoided much bombardment by meteors etc that could have had a devastating impact upon Earthlife (although a few may slip through the net – e.g. the K-T event).

  6. vernon vouga says:

    what about the direct connection between planet alignment and effects on broadcast electromagnetic waves?
    planets, at 0, 90, and 180 degrees of alignment to the plane of the solar system regularly affect broadcast signals… why?

  7. vernon vouga says:

    i also want to point out that we are walking talking examples of electromagnetic theory (not to mention quantum) to presume that the ancients had no idea what they were talking about, when they had calendars as well developed if not more developed than our own… is foolhardy and un-inquisitive, and un scientific. you look at all information, not just the bits that fit into a worldview you are comfortable contemplating.

  8. trin says:

    It’s solar radiation that affects the earth and each living thing on it, not the gravity of the sun – the entire approach of planetary gravity as proof against astrology is flawed. Now, obviously solar radiation extends as far as it is capable of doing without being impeded, the sun is a the center of our system and thus emits radiation in all directions which reaches and surrounds every planet, bounces around and becomes colored with some other energy in this way.

  9. Speaking of numbers, I was looking for actual calculations and this description gave none…it’s based more on opinion and not facts or numbers. Could you precisely measure the gravitational effects of the planets and stars on us on Earth? I tried once and I’m not sure of my calculations were actually correct. Remember that there are still many unknowns in the universe.

    For example NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale, is two-year mission sending four spacecrafts in a tetrahedron formation to understand/measure electron diffusion regions or X-points. Apparently, X-points could be detrimental to disrupting satellites or power grids. Although they have some clue what they are based on sensors from past space missions, there are many unknowns. Although NASA has some clues, they don’t really know where electron diffusion regions are, how to find them, when they open and close and much more. This mission is designed to figure out what is really going on.


  10. Paul T. says:

    When the moon hits your eye like a biggah pizza pie, that’s amor’e…

  11. Learning about the stars are cool.

  12. Kaol says:

    There is nothing irrational about the possibility that there are relationships between patterns in the Cosmos and patterns of life on Earth, you’d have to have little understanding of modern science to think that there wouldn’t be links, since we know from quantum physics that everything in the cosmos is connected.

    Personally, as someone who has studied astrology for 20 years, I can testify to its accuracy. I’m not talking about horoscopes in western newspapers. instead I’m talking about Indian (Jyotish) astrology, which was formulated over three thousand years ago. According to this (Indian) method, the main 7 planets, including the sun and the moon, bounce our past actions back to us at a set time, which may be weeks, months or years in coming. These influences are said to be transmitted back to us in the form of light.

    Using Indian astrology I have accurately predicted the birth of my brother’s daughter in May 1997, three years before that birth happened, and despite the medical profession telling my brother that he would never be a father due to medical reasons.

    In addition I’ve predicted deaths of relatives, and two house fires, all accurately to within a few weeks of the predicted date.

    Naturally many in the west are sceptical about the efficacy of astrology, but it may be worth keeping in mind that it is still used widely in eastern countries, including India, especially in the business sector. It might also be worth keeping in mind that Newton himself was an astrologer; and that the same ancient Indian (Vedic) culture that devised astrology thousands of years ago, also correctly estimated the beginning of the universe way back then. It’s only recently that they were proven correct by modern science.

  13. With the “Geocentric Solar System”, “Lunar Geoatmospheric Tides” are known to exist. This is a Cyclic change in the “Isoelectric Field” & its “Voltage Gradient”. This also cause a “Doppler Shift” in the “Schumann Resonance” which according to the work of Robert Becker influences the Analogue Semiconductive flow in the Perineurium. A main point it seems to me is are there any “Planetary Geoatmospheric Tides”? “The Gauquelin Effect” if true would seem to support them. With the “Heliocentric Solar System”, when Astronomers try to detect Extrasolar Planets by measuring changes in a particular Star’s Oscillations, they accept that a Planet can influence Oscillations of that Star, but when it comes to our own Sun there is hardly any research on the subject, why? I think 1.) Because we already known the Planets of our Solar System. “. 2.) Because it smacks to close to a mechanism of our Planets influencing the Sun, which in turn could influence Biological Systems on Earth i.e. Astrology although I vastly prefer the term Cosmobiology (Basically the influence of Celestial Systems on Biological Functioning) Is it conceivable that those Solar Tides caused by the Planets could be transferring their Pulsations to the Energetic Particle Emissions which in turn transfer them to the Geomagnetosphere?

  14. Just to add in Biophysics there’s something called “The Adey Window” or “Biological Window” after Ross Adey who found that Cells that were unaffected by some high amplitude signals could be affected by low ones, as they were nearer to the levels taking place within the Cell. The analogue might be, it takes a lot of energy to kick open a door but very little to use a key.

  15. A further thought, with Planets that have magnetic fields there seems to be “Magnetic Portals” joining the Planets to the Sun, that have a concentration of energetic particles, a Plasma ending with a bulb like Magnetosphere. Plasmas can behave like antennas, giving a picture of Spiral (as they might follow the Parker Spiral) Antenna of different lengths maybe both transmitting & receiving Electromagnetic Radiations.

  16. james newton says:

    I am using the analysis of a four forces and attempting to link biorhythms corrections to calculated the quantum realities like in a statistical analysis. Not to rectify on a global system as in a Chaos study of the data, but look for a shape function where the image of matter is created by reality versus a man made image that is produced by the holographic effect in a Chaos/Order system. Like in the statement about the function that it takes only the energy of a butterfly flapping it’s wings to change the initial conditions of the weather. Well this function is in the shape of a butterfly. This analogy is it gets more and more entangle will loose the function the more and more these two analogy items (the shape of the butterfly and the changing weather conditions with the butterflies energy). A shape function quantum tunneling relativistic statement analogy! The input on both sides of this analogy is to use the shapes to defining a function and vice versus. This may be a way to observe underlying dark matter and energy forces that govern isomers with the right-left spin of their likenesses and differences and with other tools of doing and analysis (cause and effect, … etc,…).

  17. Paul Wright says:

    If all the stars and planets are stationary, and it’s the dark matter moving, what does the maths say then?

  18. mand says:

    No serious astrologer would take a horoscopes column seriously! Astrology does not say that the sign the sun was in at your birth determines everything for you and the other 1/12 people who have that in common. To investigate the validity of a practice’s claims, it is necessary to find out what those claims are.

    I’m still in the process of learning enough about what astrology’s claims are – I started learning about it in order to see if it held water. So far it hasn’t shown itself to be logically or empirically nonsense.

    But I’m still a beginner, relatively. I have seen a lot of astrologers’ About pages explaining that they started from a position of utter scorn and took up the study to prove it was absurd… and twenty or however many years later, hadn’t found that proof yet. I’m not so arrogant as to think my don’t-know is more reliable than their know-quite-a-lot-by-now, nor to think my ability to observe, reason and approach the question scientifically and impartially is better than theirs (the ones I remember were from a background of strict, Western-trained science).

    Using newspaper horoscopes as “evidence” that astrology can’t work is like giving aspirin (and nothing else) for a broken leg and claiming the outcome shows that medicine is based on superstition. Either admit you’re judging without evidence, or use methods worth their salt.

    Maybe astrology is a load of tosh. Maybe it’s a source of information that we could get a lot of value from if we (as a society) didn’t dismiss it without trial. I don’t know… some people need to step back far enough from preconception to admit they don’t know either.

  19. I belong to the people, who don’t need an explanatory model, instead I focus on the results available. For some years I have conducted research in longevity in relation to individual horoscopes and the results are remarkable. I have published my research in English here: http://www.exploratoryastrology.dk/412065090

    Preconditions for this research:
    – The birth time is extremely important. You can have two non-identical twins with almost the same planetary positions (which are determined by the birth date alone) – but their lives and fates are totally different.
    – You cannot trust the given birth times to be accurate. The only way to determine the exact birth time is by chart rectification – I use the rectification method developed by Swiss astrologer Heinrich Kündig.
    – You cannot rely on Sun signs alone. Instead I have developed a method to synthesize a chart and thereby determine the 2 most dominant planets in the chart.

    Research results are only scientific, if they can be repeated by other scientists. The problem in this case is that it takes some time to learn all the astrological techniques described here. Scientists and skeptics are not willing to learn astrology at a professional level.

    The only solution I can see, is if the scientists / skeptics make a blind test. With my research results I can determine the length of a life in 3 categories:
    – Short life: Less than 30 years
    – Long life: More than 80 years
    – Medium length life: Between 30 and 80 years.
    The accuracy is 19 correct categorisations out of 20 possible.

  20. Kerry Frank says:

    The flaw in this article is in the statement, “”This leaves only the much weaker secondary “tidal effects“, so called because they’re responsible for the tides which, although seemingly impressive, require very little force (specifically, the difference in the strength of the Earth’s gravity over the half-dozen feet of the tides).”” To assume that because a force is weak it impacts little else is a huge jump for which there are no real scientific grounds. A small force can create a huge impact particularly when equated with other variables… consider the force of a pinky teetering a rock off a filtering edge. The initial force may not be profound, but the combined impact of events strung together may be. Science is exact and precise…when in doubt or unproven opt for Uncertainty :).

  21. Sheila says:

    Let’s cut to the chase here no one can give any right answers, again , ,Man is in his thought of his only process of just maintaining that which he already knew , New nothing. Under the sun.”

  22. You wrote “Nothing new under the Sun,” but that is not true. Since January 2014 I have been working with the “grant project”, in which I apply neural network technologies on astrology. The most important result concerns longevity. The two genders show signficant differences when it comes to short lives (less than 30 years) and long lives (more than 90 years). Nobody has did anything like this before – conventional science cannot predict longevity to the same degree I can with astrology. So there is definitely an astrological effect, only we don’t know how astrology works, is it e.g. gravity or vibrations like sound? I believe one of the reasons people why such results haven’t been discovered before is that researchers have mixed the two genders. Anyway, the results of my research are published at http://www.exploratoryastrology.dk. The results haven’t been updated recently, but I am coming to that soon.

  23. Samrah erum says:

    Basically Isaac newton also wanted to know that how planets and stars had effect on humans so that why by his calculation he wrote three time duration on a paper of a planet and a star passing above us and sent it to all the doctors of Kensington and said them too note that how many kinds of patients came to their clinics at these time durations when the result came he was very astonished at the first duration all patients who had come had bones broken!!! On the second duration all the patients who came had infections !! This was an astonishing theory that the planets and stars had effect on us

  24. Yes, people tend to forget that celebrated astronomers like Isaac Newton, Tycho Brahe, Galilei and Johannes Kepler all were in favour of astrology, some of them even practiced astrology!

    By the way, the grant project I referred to above September 8th, has recently been expanded with research on muderers’ charts at http://www.exploratoryastrology.dk/431382519.

  25. BSSH says:

    As a scientist, I take issue with the claim that ‘ There has been a lot of research into astrological phenomena” which is the biggest lie I personally have heard to this day. The unfair and disproportional attacks astrology or any mention of ‘ masses’ in the cosmos affecting life on earth or possibility of such a very logical plausible effect has been BEYOND vicious to my knowledge and beyond subjective. As a scientist who has looked into astrology, all I see is science behind astrological observation and phenomena that must warrant further objective research instead of mockery and condescending dismissal. Many scientists have written on this and have come out. Many. A great example is ” Percey Seymour’, Jan Ruis and others who have been viciously attacked. I for one decide to remain in closet as a scientist because I want to have a career but GROW UP people. Just look at your birth charts ( the proper chart). There absolutely is something to these ancient observations that have mapped like a fingerprint, what traits are going to be likely to be seen in a human w that given birth chart through thousands of years of strict observations. It’s not per se the planets doing it. No one is claiming that, at least I don’t as a PhD level bioengineer. It is ABSOLUTELY scientific and plausible to claim that something, some forces, rays, particles, etc affect gene expression and brain wiring in humans (or perhaps even other organisms/animals) as they enter the world leaving the liquid water environment of the womb. This can explain why northern and southern hemisphere results match one another and show there is SOMETHING TO position of earth relating to other masses in the greater cosmos. Papers are already published showing effects of other masses on circadian rhythms and magnetic fields and migrations of birds and insects, etc. Quantum entanglement and London coupling and schrodinger’s cat experiment, etc all can explain WHY masses CAN have affect at quantum levels on life on earth. Papers are PUBLISHED showing MRI scans can show whether a person is born in certain seasons and even at times, which months of the year. Recent papers also found BIRTH MONTH correlation to GENE EXPRESSION for specific disease and traits. I personally checked the genes expressed w ancient astrological claims for those very traits. THEY MATCH. Statistically they are significant. We approve drugs based on much less statistical significance. We accept theories with much less evidence. We have MORE evidence that could back up astrological claims that we do have for existence of dark matter and dark energy. Wealth of information, all ancient observations are mocked because a few scientists have called astrology that has been the CORE of most of our modern sciences mumbo jumbo and now we cannot even honestly discuss or research this field of ancient science? How ridiculous is that? Please LIST all those scientific studies that have proven astrology is garbage because I have seen that list yet. By the way, in science, we do not PROVE anything. We DISPROVE. Big difference. And Astrology has yet to be DISPROVEN.

  26. Jason says:

    Gravity and electromagnetism are two influences, yes. But what about light and heat? Here’s a NY times article from 1995 that describes how a Full Moon warms the Earth’s atmosphere.

  27. john says:

    I’m catching this tread in 2019 and I’m also wondering if other planets have any impacts on human beings. On first approach I would say yes, for example sun light is known to change pigmentation on the body, also we get sun burn, this implies that the sun changes some cells in the body. Now whether this has other effects as claimed by astrology that I do not know. The moon causes ocean tides as some authors have mentioned, but also many women are known to have their monthly periods around the full moon, give it plus minus a few days. Does the moon have anything to do with that? perhaps?
    Second I want to caution all those who reject astrological knowledge in the name of science. The scientific method as we know it is relatively new and is very insufficient to explain everything that we see or experience. i.e. Does love exist? If yes, what is the scientific proof of that? Does God exist? If no what is the scientific proof of that?
    What about soul, spirit, angels and demons? Does science has anything to say about these subjects?

    Third, science does not represent the only way to know the truth. The building of the great pyramid of Giza predated today’s scientific method, yet the builders of this great monument practiced some sort of science; the pyramids are said to be aligned with some star systems, some shafts inside the pyramids are also said to be aligned with some star systems. Now what science/knowledge was used here? and for what purpose? this remains unknown.

    Fourth, humanity lost great knowledge from antiquity when the great library of Alexandria was burned. Humanity has never recovered from the burning of that great library. Bits and pieces of that ancient knowledge are locked in secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians etc… or are classified by those who govern the world.

  28. BSSH says:

    Can those of us sciebtists who believe something absolutely is true about asttology take this further and discuss? I really cannot find out of the closet due to the vicious threatment others have recieved by the larger scientific community. Can we discuss this offline? I have researched this further and I think i onto something. I want to discuss this with curious unusual true scientists who are equally open minored and equally into finding truth without primitive brain emotions and ego stuff. Can we share email addresses?

  29. Sergan yousuf says:

    I would like to recommend the following books.
    Astrology the evidence of science by Percy Seymour PhD.

    How the moon affects you by Arnold l Lieberman MD.

    Solar revolution by dieter broers PhD.

    Vibrational medicine by Richard Gerber MD.

    Esoteric astrology by Douglas m baker MD.

  30. Asha Kanta Sharma says:

    A commerce graduate should never assume/think that the is no science and other forms of education. Similarly a science graduate should never think there is nothing like commerce, arts, etc because they have not studied it. SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOT STUDIED OR DO NOT KNOW SOMETHING DOES NOT MEAN IT DOES NOT EXIST. YOU SIMPLY JUST DO NOT KNOW PERIOD

    Not all things can be measured in Quantitative Terms. For your information I would like to enlighten all mathematician and scientists on the planet Earth that Materials things are only 2% in this cosmos which can be studied by science and rest 98% is out of the touch or understanding of science. SCIENCE IS A KID IN THIS COSMOS.

    People who thinks that each and every aspect of life can be measured in quantitative terms are FOOLS. CAN YOU MEASURES HOW MUCH LOVE YOU HAVE FOR YOUR PARENTS, WIFE, CHILDREN ?

  31. Faye Jenkins says:

    As someone who rubbished Astrology and then began to study it, is was astonished at its accuracy regarding the suggestions of character, the notion if what cycle you were in which could be helpful, and many philosophical thoughts.
    Old theories need to be researched before throwing them out with the rubbish

  32. Giti Oracle says:

    As a PhD in engineering and a self taught astrologer, I challenge anyone reading this to test me and their own charts. My channel is called giti oracle on youtube and NO, I’m not looking for money or clients. Can’t manage what I have already. I love to show genuine skeptics how wrong they are and how much they don’t know about what they don’t know. I have some informative contents in my channel that I think many will find entertaining if not educational.

  33. Fred Ward says:

    Time and distance would have no meaning in a completely empty universe.

  34. Anonymous says:

    When my husband passed. I desperately wanted some contact or sign I signed up on line with one who was recommended But he keeps saying my life will change if I send money each time and I. Will experience great wealth and love. Not looking for either. I can’t keep sending money even though so do think he is legitimate all he has is my birth date

  35. Giti Oracle says:

    Giti Oracle here. Have a channel on YouTube as well. PhD in engineering. I collaborate with other PhD level scientists researching astrology as a hobby. The author of this article knows NOTHING about astrology and research into astrology. We have never had “ a lot of research” into astrology. NEVER. One study published by Nature from 1985 has been destroyed by peer review research a few times, referring to Carlston study. Ertel et al among others have shredded it to pieces as it definitely fails to show what it claims and indeed supports astrological phenomenon to an extent, instead of what the author does his best to claim using flawed analysis. This is true re every other so called peer review research against astrology, which are A FEW, OLD papers and have shown to have poor control choices, improper understanding of astrological claims etc.

    Several other studies DO show astrological claims have validity. I have a list of them. They are ALL ignored. All of them.

    T o date, mainstream science refuses to acknowledge any of this. Out of curiosity, agroup of us have written to Nature, NASA etc and attempted to correct this and bring scientific level justice to research into astrology, a 4000 year old science which is arguably the pioneering science behind astronomy, math etc. We cannot even understand or comprehend world literature m, art, and history of science without understanding some astrology. Yet, none responded to us. Wikipedia inserts of our links to ANY pro astrology inserts, all referenced properly, were deleted within minutes. Google searches re astrology mysteriously go for evidence against astrology for the first vm any pages even if you type pro astrology phrases. Is there a conspiracy against occult and astrology? After years of research into this, I must say, ABSOLUTELY. Are scientists aware of this? Highly doubt this.

    What’s insulting and unscientific the most is that they rely on rejected flawed research, very few of them, virtually LESS than FIVE old papers, Carl Sagan from 1970s, some guy named Randy and such travesty in order to tell the world that has seen the POWER of astrology that it is junk.

    Real scientists do research. They don’t dismiss things based on emotion. That’s how true scholars throughout history always conducted themselves. I always put my money TV where my mouth is and I started my own public research with proper witnesses in place. Just finished 210 charts. Three hours each. Used ancient and modern rules of astrology that anyone could google and verify. Each reading was 3 hours long and full of specifics. Indeed, very specific details. Including predictions of event themes of the past with dates. Every client was an avatar. No names. No information other than birth data. 210 random avatars were analysed from 28 nations using nothing but birth data. Ages were from 19- 72, vast majority were between 25-40.

    The testimonials of my readings based on my own learning and practice of astrology anf zero courses are mind blowing. They are still magical to me. I have so many private messages to mr of shocked people asking me whether I’m a psychic. And I don’t think I even get what a psychic is. Surely, all I did was using math and ancient rules. Nothing more. Nothing less. Highly reproducible. A child could learn my techniques snd deliver these exact results.

    There is a reason followers of astrology of 5 times more than astronomy in any social media. No, it is no IQ levels or education levels.. That’s what er assume in the world of science. It’s because as I have demonstrated in my own research, astrology WORKS and has worked forever. Predictions using astrology are spooky accurate. I’ve been researching these and surveying them forever. Eastern and western astrology. Both extremely powerful. Steve Judd of UK even mentions pandemic for 2020 back in 2017 ( video called “intro to 2020”). He even predicts Trump winning in summer of 2016 when Hilary was 16 points ahead. And losing in 2020. Every single astrologer predicted a disaster for 2020. I was so inundated by these predictions that I canceled all my plans. Got my friends and family canceling their big plans. Many listened and are still thanking me.

    I used astrology to predict what’s going to happen to US election of 2020 and afterward and WHY. My video is in my channel of summer of 2020. I also explain science behind how astrology works ( because it works, beyond guesswork or chance, clearly the author of this author like most skeptics has never even seen a chart or had his own read, even the software generated ones that are $30 are worth the money, every single time).

    Now, 1-2-3 before someone responds to me attacking my gender or IQ etc. That’s the only expectation I do have from the majority of people when it comes to this topic, including scientists, going by experience.

    And please could this author next time lists “ a lot of research” into astrology. Here’s a warning though. I have researched all, there are NONE that are currently valid. None. So I will write a rebuttal and it’ll get ugly.

    It’s time science gets off its ignorant areh if any horse and conduct PROPER FAIR research into astrology and occult. We owe 4000 years of our history that. To say the least.

  36. Error: Unable to create directory uploads/2025/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server? The Physicist says:

    @Giti Oracle
    You’re right, I should have been more specific in the post. Scientific research is not solely in the hands of journal editors, it’s an ongoing project open to all of humanity. What the journals do (or at least attempt to do) is to provide professionals with new findings that will help them to advance their field. That’s why you won’t find any papers about how fire is hot, despite how clearly true that is. The research I was referring to is the non-journal, any-one-can-do-it type. The most carefully documented stuff is mostly debunking stuff, but there are countless high-school science projects and gentleman scientists going back generations. It’s relatively easy to study “does it work?” questions. You mentioned:

    “Just finished 210 charts. Three hours each. Used ancient and modern rules of astrology that anyone could google and verify. Each reading was 3 hours long and full of specifics. Indeed, very specific details. Including predictions of event themes of the past with dates. Every client was an avatar. No names. No information other than birth data. 210 random avatars were analysed from 28 nations using nothing but birth data. Ages were from 19- 72, vast majority were between 25-40.

    The testimonials of my readings based on my own learning and practice of astrology anf zero courses are mind blowing. They are still magical to me. I have so many private messages to mr of shocked people asking me whether I’m a psychic. And I don’t think I even get what a psychic is. Surely, all I did was using math and ancient rules. Nothing more. Nothing less. Highly reproducible. A child could learn my techniques snd deliver these exact results.”

    I absolutely believe you. But I doubt the implication. The Randy you mentioned is probably “The Amazing Randy”, who frequently did a very simple test that you can try yourself. There’s a video of the test here, but the take home message is this: it’s shockingly easy to convince people that they’re reading something that is specifically about them, with lots of insights and details. I used to read Tarot cards for friends and just made up the whole thing as I went along. Eventually I got old enough to feel bad about it, but the point is that it still “worked” according to the people I was “reading”.

    This is the one of the most frustrating aspects of scientific research, we humans are really good at fooling each other and fooling ourselves. If you’re interested in testing yourself, and can do it in a way that you wouldn’t feel guilty about (like knowingly giving people advice that contradicts what their chart would indicate), then try it. 210 people is a good-sized data set. You could try working backward, starting with information they volunteer about themselves and then figuring out their birthdays (you’d have to work with people who don’t know anything about astrology, because it would be pretty easy to say, in not so few words, “I’m a Scorpio”). Or give everyone the same reading and see how they feel about it (you’d need more forgiving people for that).

  37. Git Oracle says:

    Thank you for actually responding.

    THREE HOURS OF SPECIFIC READINGS means, I tell people SPECIFIC ODD UNIQUE STUFF and ALSO, give them DATES OF PAST SPECIFIC EVENTS. It is IMPOSSIBLE to replicate this randomly and get the same outcome and I am SURE this has been tested before. In fact, Ertel et al. showed that astrologers got by far more accurate readings on that infamous Carlston et al. propaganda Nature paper in which he twisted and lied and misrepresented his own results.

    For example, I told 15 people ( out of 210) that they were most likely homosexuals or bi & 14 of them admitted that they were. I told a girl she likes military style music and she said it is odd since NO ONE she knows listens to her odd Russian military music and that she gets comments on that, all the time. It was CLEAR in her chart and I used exact ancient rules re her musical tastes. Another client wrote to me and told me her boyfriend just passed away and that she needed to cancel the reading of his chart. I looked at his chart. I told her, was it related to head injury in the neighbourhood, most likely related to accident? She wrote back and said OMG YES. He had a head injury from a skate boarding accident right outside his house. His destiny point was in the 3rd house of transport & neighbourhood, fused with mars ( accidents, head injury) and third house was ruled by Aquarius (freak accidents, unusual modes of transport). How could I possibly tell people that they had issues with their mom or dad or siblings or they had no parents etc, and most admit to these? HOW? I tell people their taste for partners. Foreign people. Domestic people. Older people. ETC. It is ALL in the chart. And that is what they all corroborated. It is all in the chart. I DO NOT focus on generic stuff. A reading is a story full l of specific details. Details such as in 2015 around summer something extremely traumatic happened to you that changed the course of your life. Around Oct of 2012, you lost a loved one and this was very traumatic. I have yet to get these wrong. How can you possibly write about this when you have never had a reading?? I have witnesses to my research. PhD level folks. They have access to all my correspondence. My testimonials on fiverr, a third party platform is public and for all to see.

    And WE DO REVERSE ENGINEER 24/7. I have yet to see an actor or a famous person and not be able to guess the TIME they were born at and their dominants, including their sun sign. I can READ messages from people and guess their dominants. It is what we do 24/7 after we become experts at astrology. One of my current research is about CASTING past life charts of people and FORETELL what they would HAVE SEEN in hypnotic regression. HOW can I see what another person would have seen, in the PAST, based on nothing but a birth data. HOW? And if you think reincarnation research is bogus, well, you really do not know much about the peer review research here.

    The group Astrology of faces on facebook can close down the exact TIME your were born on BASED ON YOUR IMAGES. Nothing more. TRY IT. We have hundreds of such groups on facebook. You don’t have to trust me. You can create a fake account and go and post images of someone you know and see that for yourself. They narrow the window to within 1-2 hours out of 24 hours.

    With astrology, proof is ALWAYS in the pudding. It is beyond insulting that you refuse to get this and do what a true scientist does, which is research. Again, there is now FOOLING people here. FOOLING people is NOT at play here. AT ALL. Have you ever followed a single astrological prediction in your life? I have. For years Thousands of times. And I am very impressed. Ever had a reading for yourself and a few others? Please go ahead. Use the software generated ones on astrotheme or astro dot com. You will see how specific they actually are.

    You do NOT want to grasp this. You do not want to research this. You do NOT want to accept this. The reasons are to do with selection for scientists from 1920s which has led to too many tests and bureaucracies to be behind who gets into science and who doesn’t. The true geniuses, the polymath/poets of the world can no longer compete in the world of science. That is why we have the world of science today dominated by the damaged jupiter/9th house people. Going by astrological research re WHY scientists don’t want to or don’t seem to GET IT. The personal and emotional animosity against the world of occult, astrology, ancient anything, spiritual anything, and eastern anything is truly astounding, even after so much we have uncovered in quantum physics alone that explains much of such stuff. Nothing explains it better than the damaged jupiter situation & the saturn/mars connection with the 9th/3rd axis which incidentally what one needs in order to excel at 18 years of university studies & countless tests and exams. Historically, we never had these barriers and to this extreme.

    As Dr. Ian Gilchrist brilliantly shows, through MRI and scans, right hemisphere of the brain of typical scientists is CEMENTED. It doesn’t function. It is exactly what we astrologers have noticed in the chart of vocal passionate skeptics & deniers. It is also exactly what’s going on in the chart of extremists of religions. In their case, it is the left brain that doesn’t function ( the logic/math part).

    Please do me a favour and FIRST know what we astrologers DO when we do readings and how specific we are and whether you CAN possibly explain them as ‘ fooling’ others, or the rest of the insulting explanations by watching my videos and also my ‘ occult and science’ playlist which contains hundreds of videos on such topics, including scientific videos explaining how occult phenomena may be explained.

    I have put this out there and do it here as well, I challenge ANY doctor or scientist or psychologist re RANDOM FOOLING OR GUESS WORK of ANY given client and in fact, I am going to be generous here. I give them ONE MONTH and 3 meetings with the clients. I give myself TWO HOURS and ZERO meetings with the given clients.

    Let’s see who is fooling others. I always put my money where my mouth is.

  38. Error: Unable to create directory uploads/2025/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server? The Physicist says:

    @Git Oracle
    It’s true that I don’t know much about the details behind astrology. But from what I can gather, there’s a lot to learn. I make it a rule not to study something unless I can find a reason to believe that it’s real. After all, there are a lot of conflicting beliefs out there and we don’t live long enough to study all of them in detail.
    I didn’t quite catch what your challenge was. Would you be willing to determine the birth day, time, and location of a few anonymous people without any identifying information?

  39. Giti Oracle says:

    My challenge is, as I have talked about in my rants against modern left brain scientists who turn skeptic anytime anyone talks about right brain reality or PARA /META topics, WHY do you people talk about astrology and have filled the first 20 pages of google with your ANTI astrology and occult articles and hundreds of anti astrology mockery videos without knowing a thing or two about astrology? WHY? How can you mock a 4000 year old science like that? How? Do you not have any respect for Newton? Kepler? Avecinna? Algoritmi? Kary Mullis, father of molecular biology? Percy Seymour, British astrophysicist? Well, we sure know how much you respect Percy. As you did Michel Geugelin who had to mill himself due to constant abuse of his statistical work in astrological research. .

    It takes basic research. A child could research astrology. All predictions for 2021 start with feb 17th 2021. And the war and clash and revolution of Aquarius ( techie geeks, common man etc ) and Taurus ( bull, Wall Street, rich people, 1%). Exact energies of 1929-1930 is in the cosmos this year and in 2022. For 2020, every astrologer from 2011 had predicted a disaster occurring in January 2020. With the peak on Jan 12th. Steve Judd of UK and many others even mentioned pandemic due to the cosmic line up being exactly where it was during great pandemic of 1500s. And if we include asteroids, what we had last year matches the cosmos in 1830 BC, and astrologers for years predicted out of that came Hammurabi and out of this comes out a similar major change to our laws in a few decades.

    I have a video re what’s happening in America going by astrology. Pluto return of america. Death and rebirth. AMERICA will die in 2021-2022 and will have a rebirth. All astrologers have talked about this, all have mentioned civil war, and major unrest after election and extremely difficult and one of kind transition of president for decades.

    Yet none of these ever get coverage or gets wrong 180 coverage. I don’t understand. We can’t edit Wikipedia section of astrology. It’s hijacked. No one can ever insert anything factual. All astrologers talk about this in our zoom meetings and conferences. And yes, we research and we exchange our research all the time. The animosity against astrology is disproportional, by both religions and science. Why? Do we have a church? Are we paid free lunches? We charge far less than psychologists do, or economists, the real pseudo scientists, and we heal people, we literally heal the minds of people by explaining to them what’s going on and help them by warning them or by telling them to do harmless free remedies of behavioural changes and we make a huge difference for a fraction of what science charges and yet we are insulted and hated and mocked.

    Two excellent articles exist on astrology. One is titled “ critics of astrology don’t know what they are criticising” and the other is titled “ do you just hate astrology or are you just a sexist”.

    Also for actual facts about astrology and history of astrology, please read articles and books written by Alexander Boxer PhD of MIT. It’s a must for scientific folks.

    And I might add, a real scientist will at least spend some time and money to research something one is inclined to talk about. The MINIMUM I expect such a person do is to get a chart reading of their own chart. It can be done for free. Plenty of free softwares online.

  40. Error: Unable to create directory uploads/2025/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server? The Physicist says:

    @Giti Oracle
    I’m very sorry about scientists not believing in astrology. But the way to change that is to demonstrate it effectiveness. Would you be willing to determine the birth day, time, and location of a few anonymous people without any identifying information?

  41. Giti Oracle says:

    Hold on. After all that I have said; you now come and demand guess work? Do you see his insulting you really are? What are you? A troll?! Astrology is an exact science. It is a reproducible science and we have for thousands of years proven how accurate our predictions and we use MATH, astronomy, And historical observations. Your question which I don’t even expect from a high schooler who has looked up astrology on Wikipedia is based on the premise that astrology ( science of STARS) has nothing to do with anything, especially and including time and location of birth, which is all that astrology is and has always been.

    You don’t even know astrology is not guesswork or talking to the dead or looking into crystals. You literally just showed that you have had the audacity to answer a question on astrology, like Bill Nye and other celebrity joke of scientists without even bothering to understand what astrological claims are. How do you sleep at night? Ok?

    The proof with astrology is in the pudding. Have some respect for your ancestors, and the many scientists throughout history who were first and foremost astrologers even if you are too afraid to look at your own chart and do some google searches to see how accurate astrology really is.

    I’m done here. I have copied all of these and I will add these to my book chapter re the state of science re such topics. It’s an abomination. And you Sit, were scientist number 100 in showing your true face here re such stuff. I’m sure that smirk on your face was tiring your facial muscles the whole time. One thing for sure, and I put all my money on this, you have a damaged Jupiter/9th house. Never ever been wrong re this one.

  42. Kryptos says:

    @The Physicist, well your response certainly is a condescending one. Its is clear that you haven’t even read Giti’s extensive posts, let alone gone to the effort of even investigating the myriad of publicly and freely available information on the topic. I have met dozens and dozens of academic types that exude such a putrid stench of superiority it makes me almost vomit — h-index junkie types that are blinded by the corrupt cabal of peer-reviewed self-reinforcing (and many times unreproducible) scientific literature. Case in point, refer to the numerous examples of research that challenges the orthodoxy which have yielded nothing more than destroyed careers and reputation from the resultant personal attacks and smear campaigns.

    The original premise of this question is based on a flawed assumption, namely, to try and explain astrological effects via the standard model and the four fundamental forces of nature, is to discount any potential metaphysical or other effects, effects which we are yet to have the capacity to explain in a mathematical vernacular that may satisfy a burden of proof to your satisfaction, however, this says nothing for the empirical observations which have been formulated progressively over millennia. The universe is, to our best estimate ~13.8bn years old and humans on earth (in evolutionary terms), for about ~100k years, our civilisation has existed as we know it, for a mere 5-10k years and our current scientific understanding has been mostly accomplished in the last century or thereabouts. So how arrogant is it to think that our best mathematical approximation as to the functioning of the universe is correct or even remotely accurate in the grand scheme of things. Not one seasoned astrological advocate has stated that it is the gravitational effect between a person and a distant planet is the cause of its effect, should one exist, this is such primitive thinking.

    I have two degrees in STEM related fields, including a PhD in statistical mechanics and applied computer science. I have published papers in 5 different fields, I regularly program software in more than half-a dozen computer languages, in both science and economics applications, and I write the above anonymously for all the reasons outlined above.

    Please keep an open mind that our knowledge is far from complete, and I applaud people like @Giti to continue their quest for knowledge on the fringe.

  43. Kryptos says:

    I forgot to mention, I have seen plenty of evidence to support Giti’s claims, for instance, on a current and salient topic, I have just googled and found many articles written over year ago, outlining an expected revolution against wall street by techies happening right now, exactly as @giti says.

  44. Error: Unable to create directory uploads/2025/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server? The Physicist says:

    @Giti Oracle
    I’m sincerely sorry to have insulted you. It was not my intention. Please appreciate that it’s difficult to convey personal respect while also conveying incredulity.
    To be sure, I don’t think that astrology works. But I’m very willing to change my mind. I’m treating you in exactly the same way I treat fellow scientists; when someone makes a claim that I think sounds unlikely, I ask for a demonstration. If their claims hold up, I then go on to learn about it myself. That’s how I ended up studying physics; I heard a lot of bizarre, specific claims, then I asked for demonstrations and saw them.
    You mentioned that you recently read charts for 210 people in which you “give them DATES OF PAST SPECIFIC EVENTS”. That’s a testable claim, a good demonstration, and it sounds like it would be easy for you to do. What events can you figure out? What information will you need? Again, while I do doubt your claims, I’m absolutely not making any attempt to insult you.

  45. Error: Unable to create directory uploads/2025/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server? The Physicist says:

    Nobody is perfect and every field has jerks. There are always people who misreport and there are always people unwilling to listen. That’s why we can’t rely on testimonials or appeals to authority.
    But we can speak to the accuracy of a theory by testing it directly. Understanding isn’t even necessary. For example, Newton’s laws of gravity and motion are extremely accurate (because we can test and verify them) and yet the underlying theory is flawed and doesn’t apply in all situations (which is why it was replaced when relativity came along).
    I have read every word of Giti’s comments. What I’m looking for is a demonstration, not a story, or history, or testimonials.
    “Mainstream science” should be treated in the same way: question it and ask for repeatable, verifiable demonstrations. I agree with you that any “unreproducible scientific literature” is not in fact science and is often false. The reproducibility crisis is a very serious issue that underscores that we should never believe claims just because someone has an impressive pedigree and experience.

  46. I agree the moon does not have an electromagnetic field, but scientists found in 2020 that the moon does not absorb solar activity from its flares or interplanetary magnetic field as expected, instead, the moon’s crust magnetic field reflects the energy particles away from the moon. The astrological theory is that the moon is reflective, responsible for the reproduction cycle for humans and seas creatures of which there are plenty of studies to prove this. There are also recent studies that the moon tides and phases of the moon are related to sleep and mood patterns for people who suffer from bipolar.

    https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190731-is-the-moon-impacting-your-mood-and-wellbeing This article has excellent links to the studies that are in Molecular Psychiatry and other science journals

    Paper Solar Wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Influence on Ultralow Frequency Waves and Reflected Ions Near the Moon S. K. Howard J. S. Halekas W. M. Farrell J. P. McFadden K.‐H. Glassmeier First published: 03 February 2020 https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JA027209

    https://www.eneuro.org/content/6/2/ENEURO.0483-18.2019 – Geomagnetic storms influencing alpha brain waves.

    I am not going to do all your homework as I could be here all night giving you scientific papers that are easily accessible to the layperson by just doing an internet search. My point is that before your discredit any discipline at least does your research beforehand. For me astrological studies that determine the validity of astrology based on the astrologer is false because it does not determine the underlying mechanism of how astrology works – it just tests the astrologer ability – two different things. Even so, most of these studies are rigged and poorly designed.

    This is an excellent study by an astrologer you might want to read
    Statistical analysis of the birth charts of serial killers by Jan Ruis, PhD Submitted November 2006, final revision May 2008 https://silo.tips/download/statistical-analysis-of-the-birth-charts-of-serial-killers-by-jan-ruis-phd

    There are countless studies by well-funded sceptical organisations who discrete astrology by manipulating data, misdirection and spreading misinformation. I admit that many astrological studies have been poor but that is because astrologers do not have research methods/statistical background and sceptics is use their lack of experience to discredit them. You will never convince a sceptic no matter what evidence an astrologer provides because they suffer from cognitive dissonance and their purpose is to direct any information that does not agree with their narrow viewpoint.

    Interestingly science is no bed of roses especially physics – the clash between classical newton physics of cause-and-effect and quantum mechanics represent uncertainty (scary for scientists) and it is acausal and is a unified system (like astrology) – even so classical physicists criticise quantum mechanics because scientists have not developed a quantum theory of gravity but that does not mean quantum mechanics is discredited. Many respected physicists such as Feynman and Susskind were both a little scared on moving into quantum science and string theory, but they did eventually, and Susskind even changed Stephen Hawkins mind on black hole theory.

    I love this quote by Stephen Hawkins on astrology (below) because it demonstrates two different belief systems astrology and science – because at present astrology (belief systems) does not conform to the scientific method (belief system) – but perhaps there are other methods that have not been discovered yet – but we can’t have uncertainty in science.

    The human race has always wanted to control the future, or at least to predict what will happen. That is why astrology is so popular. . . There is no more experimental evidence for some of the theories described this book than there is for astrology, but we believe them [scientific theories] because they are consistent with theories that have survived testing. Stephen Hawkins (2001)

  47. Error: Unable to create directory uploads/2025/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server? The Physicist says:

    @Dr Keith Bound
    This is really the point. Anyone can find articles and papers supporting their position and can go back and forth forever talking about why this paper is the real paper and that paper is flawed or how the entire “opposing team” is “manipulating data, misdirection and spreading misinformation”. With that level of mistrust, nobody changes their minds. Ultimately, if we’re talking about reality, we should “ask reality” by testing claims. Not waiting for someone else to do it for us, but by doing it ourselves.
    You’re absolutely right about science. Scientists disagree all the time. Arguments and disputes are the norm. We resolve those disagreements by creating tests that can prove us wrong. For example, when Einstein introduced general relativity he made a very specific prediction about how stars near the Sun would appear to move. His own experiment was designed to make it easy as possible to prove him wrong. This is why I was asking Giti Oracle to do some readings. I don’t think the arrangement of stars and planets when someone was born is a useful or accurate source of information about them or about the future in general (please forgive me if I’m misrepresenting). In particular, I think that switching birthdays will have no impact on accuracy. If Giti is as consistently accurate as she claimed, then my position is wrong.

  48. Giti Oracle says:

    Ok. My comments are not being published. PC police is offended. Adios everyone

  49. Giti oracle says:

    Attempt to post number 15:

    Thank you Keith and kryptos and physicist. Great discussion already.

    Here’s the problem. Astrologers have ALWAYS reached out and tried to collaborate. I have myself tested this and documented it. The issue started by Sagan in 1970s who clearly didn’t have the current knowledge of quantum physics and hadn’t read papers and books by scientists such Percy Seymour who theorised how astrology could work scientifically ( why can’t you google the guy and read his stuff?!). He has an interview from eons ago. In my playlist. He almost chokes trying to explain how other astronomers abused him and without ANY scientific basis for the abuse.

    Again, you ignored Ertel et rebuttal and criticism of THE ONLY so called scientific evidence against astrology. Free article. Please google it. Shawn Carlston and his fraudulent NATURE article from 1985 who is cited by all universities of the world, NASA, and every anti astrology article to date as proof is not even a valid study. It’ll flawed. To its core. But even if we include the flawed research and poorly designed controls, it actually proves astrologers did much better than possibly by chance. Where is the apology by Nature re that article? I know of at least 5 people including myself writing to Nature about this.

    I have tested this. Trying to change Wikipedia content on astrology which is ridiculously unjust, incomplete, wrongly referenced, poorly referenced, and a pure propaganda. Astrologers in a conference from 2018 brought this to my attention that for years they have tried to reason with google and Wikipedia re this obvious misinformation cabal against astrology. Nothing has worked. Nothing. There is a hijacking if such pages by incel members of Wikipedia geeks who clearly hate astrology even more than religions and do not allow for fair democratic exchange of information. My emails to Wikipedia has never been responded.

    When Micheal Shermer attacked astrologers in the 80s, he too was addressed properly by astrologers. They provided everything he asked for. Everything. In fact, all of these and most of your questions here are answered and addressed in astrology dot com. Including other pages. But you won’t check this due to your damaged Jupiter/9th house which is why you; and majority of modern scientists, and exactly as Stephan Hawking has mentioned, read an article on simulation theory and much of quantum physics and find it plausible yet, astrology, or what Percy Seymour has theorised which is nothing but synchronisation and entanglement to the solar system is implausible.

    Plus, We have peer reviewed publications that BIRTH TIME alters expression of genes. Published science. Clearly, you don’t know that far or you lack imagination to realise birth time already affects human’s biology. Published science. Scientific fact. Location on earth affects all sorts of microorganism. Published science. Our bodies are made up of trillions of microorganisms. Even if double slit and schrodinger and quantum physics fail to explain mechanisms behind how astrology works ( because, it DOES work), we have equally valid theories such as plasma universe absolutely explains how astrology could work.

    I do have some other ideas re scientific mechanism behind astrology. I contacted Max Tegmark. He snubbed me or ignored me. I contacted Don Hoffman, Matthew Fischer, Roger Penrose, Hameroff , Don Hoffman etc. ZERO responses. I need a Feynman to help me here. We don’t have funding. We have nothing. We are abused. Ignored. Hated. Mocked. And no one takes us seriously. Most of us work in closet, including myself. If I ever come out, I’ll be quitting my job that very day and will delete my researchgate and LinkedIn. Why? Because I’ve seen how astrology and astrologers are treated by so called intellectuals.

    Therefore, I was begged by most astrologers whom I have contacted to give you ANY dealings with scientists. Vic DiCara, famous astrologer shared a very sad story with me in which he predicted a disaster happening to the husband of some skeptic astrophysicist. She apparently took offence and mocked him. And he ran into her a year later. Asked how they were doing. She says her husband had an accident and died during that trip. Vic says, oh my, ok. I am very sorry but not surprised. Then she denied that he ever warned her and tells him he was wrong about the reading. He was apparently so shocked that his memory had deteriorated thar bad that he had to go and check the reading audio. He then realised he was right. He had warned her. Sends her the audio as a reminder, all confused. She tells him he needs to stop stalking her!

  50. GO says:

    Can’t paste the rest. Can’t bother. It’s a real nightmare. Cabal is triggered.

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