Q: Will the world end tomorrow?

Physicist: Probably not.  Update to follow.

Update (12/22/12): Nope.

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6 Responses to Q: Will the world end tomorrow?

  1. Paul Czerner says:

    That presumes that there is such a thing as tomorrow, which presupposes that there is such a thing as a day. There isn’t. There is only shadow and light, there is no day or night.

  2. Bob says:

    The world as we know it will end for all who die tomorrow.

  3. Chris Wright says:

    Well, does proton decay exist, or not?

  4. Muhammad sohail says:

    Yes a day will come that what we see will end.But it must be noted that a new system will start.

  5. unknown says:

    the Great tribulation which no man has ever seen nor will ever see again occurs, the war of Armageddon will take place. Jesus Christ, Jehovah God and all his angels come together for a war to end Satan’s wicked system that we are living in now. there will be a new heavens and a new Earth which righteousness is to dwell. the Earth will not be destroyed neither will the heavens just those who dwell shall make all things new

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