Yearly Archives: 2013

Q: What is energy? What is “pure energy” like?

Physicist: Unfortunately, “pure energy” isn’t really a thing.  Whenever you hear someone talking about something or other being “turned into pure energy”, you’re listening to someone who could stand to be a little more specific about what kind of energy.  … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Physics | 58 Comments

Q: Why is Schrodinger’s cat both dead and alive? Is this not a paradox?

One of the original questions was: A basic rule of logic is that something cannot contradict itself. It is impossible for P to be true and not true. Doesn’t Schrödinger’s cat violate this law and therefore invalidate logic? Physicist: The … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Logic, Physics, Quantum Theory | 48 Comments

Q: What kind of telescope would be needed to see a person on a planet in a different solar system?

Physicist: When talking about telescopes there are two quantities to take into account; the “light gathering power” and the “resolving power” of the telescope.  “Light gathering power” is just how much light can be collected by the telescope.  “Resolving power” … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Astronomy, Physics | 16 Comments

Q: Is Murphy’s law real?

Physicist: The mathematical statement of Murphy’s Law, as used in scientific communities, is tremendously complex.  But the common form, “everything that can go wrong will”, is fairly accurate and more than sufficient for most applications. The short answer is: yes, … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, April Fools | 37 Comments

Q: Why doesn’t life and evolution violate the second law of thermodynamics? Don’t living things reverse entropy?

Physicist: In very short: nope. The second law of thermodynamics is sometimes (too succinctly) stated as “disorder increases over time”.  That statement seems to hold true, what with mountains wearing down, machines breaking, and the inevitable, crushing march of time.  … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Biology, Entropy/Information, Evolution | 90 Comments

Q: Does quantum mechanics really say that there’s some probability that objects will suddenly start moving or that things can suddenly “shift” to the other side of the universe?

Physicist: In a word; nope. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is a statement about how “certain” some combinations of quantities can be.  The most commonly referenced is the “position and velocity” version of the Uncertainty Principle, that says that the more … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Physics, Quantum Theory, Relativity | 29 Comments