Physicist: Nopers. But to understand why, it’s important to know what a dimension is.
When someone says “we live in the third dimension” what they should really say (to be overly-precise) is “the universe we inhabit has three spacial dimensions”. There are a few ways that you can tell that you live in a three dimensional world. The easiest is to try to come up with as many mutually-perpendicular directions as you can; you’ll find three without too much trouble, but you’ll never find a fourth.

These three directions are mutually perpendicular and and no new direction can be perpendicular to all three.
If you’re feeling terribly clever, you’ll find lots of other examples that demonstrate the three (and not two or four) dimensionality of our universe. For example, if you can tie a simple knot then you definitely live in three or more dimensions (no knots in 2-D) and if you can make a Klein bottle then you definitely live in four or more dimensions.

In 2-D you can’t tie a knot without the rope passing through itself, and in 3-D you can’t build a Klein bottle without the same problem.
A dimension is a direction. Living in more dimensions means having more directions you can move in. There are many weird physical consequences to living in more dimensions, but the one you’d notice first (if you were somehow to suddenly to appear in a 4-D universe) is immediate death.

An actual 2-D creature would collapse in 3-D. What it considers to be its insides just looks like more surface to we 3-D folk.
If a paper doll (two-dimensional being) were suddenly brought into three dimensional space all of its innards would become outtards. Similarly, there is nothing whatsoever supporting your body in a fourth direction, so if you were to find yourself with a few extra dimensions your insides would follow the path of least (zero) resistance and fall out. It would be super gross, but would make no more of a mess than an infinitely thin oil slick. Any local 4-D critters probably wouldn’t even notice.
The chronicle of h gb wells try explain the rotation bin fourth dimension, where during then explosions the bodies entry in rotations in the 4D due a greatest explosions, and when backward for the e arthur, the theirs órgãns changes of positive. The heart goes for right handed and then liver goes for the left handed.but how get then conjugations of left handed and right handed for switches the left handed and rightbhanded. Only possible these transformations with speeds greater than the speed of light, as background the noncommutative topological geometrirs
We think that the really of 4 dimensional be linked by the connection of space and time into spacetime continuum.and the transformations in fourth dimensions generate the left handed and right handed systems,,for that reason the universe through the opperatorPT combine in an Absolute symmetry left and right handed,but only possible in the 4D
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Er, sorry…but the real answer is, we don’t know. Also be aware that certain theorists on dimensional ‘research’ consider that Time is a as real and as physical as our spacial dimensions and it is only the ‘arrow of time’ that is apparent or a an illusion of ‘moving forward’. If Time has multiple dimensions it does not affect current physics but it may well explain certain mysteries on the quantum level. I agree that such ideas are not mainstream. Indeed, 2D is purely hypothetical since, no matter how small (such as the doll examples above) have some thickness and therefore are real very thin 3D. Compact D of SST have many dimensions and if that were proven that would make us more than 3D creatures anyway.
some one has deleted reliable comments that would help solve the big question… i commented and some others have commented and those comments are no where to be found.
Who are the “certain theorists” you site and what kind of “research” do they do?
The 3 dimensions do not have physical reality. They are not things. 3 is the minimum number of pieces of information required to describe a location in space. You could use more if you wanted to. Time is also required if you actually care about locating something at that position, unless you know it never moves. But just because it takes 3, doesn’t mean there are three actual things called dimensions. You can place the origin and orientation of axes literally anywhere/any way in the universe and it will still work, as long as we all use the same reference points. So spatial dimensions are only logical constructs for describing the world consistently, i.e. a frame of reference. You can’t take any single physical object and tell me which directions correspond to the so called “3 dimensions”. In fact, most real world objects can’t even be described that way at all, because they are not rectangular solids — they are irregular and “fuzzy.” You would have to provide (x,y,z) coordinates of every particle in the object, preferably with the kind of particle it is and any information about force-interactions with surrounding particles. And of course you would have to tell me the point of origin and orientation of the 3D coordinate system you used for the information, since there isn’t a universal one.
You will not be able to see 4 dimensional objects in this 3 dimension planet unless you practice deep mediation. This rare task will allow the subconscious mind glimpse these objects in a 4 dimensional space-time while your 3 dimensional physical body is in the material world.
But I thought we are already living in 4 dimensions .I time we have the time flowing in earth as well! Thats a direction as well .Time always moves in one direction …..thats why its not negetive on earth!….I dont get it why are you saying….we are not living in 4 dimensions.
Imagine a hallway with an infinite series of pictures on the wall. The picture we are standing in front of is the present, the previous is the past and the next picture is the future. As we move on to the next picture(the future) this sets a new point of observation for us, so future becomes present and present now becomes past. Now imagine if we were to observe all pictures at once? Past, present and future would simply become one. I believe it’s more plausible to say time is flowing forwards, backwards and not at all consecutively. The problem is we are currently only capable of observing it flowing forwards.
I just watched the movie “Falkland”, based off the book, and it begins to unlock the idea of dimensions, that there are more dimensions beyond our third dimension, mathematically it’s been proven there is a fourth dimension, the tesseract /hyperactive is about as good “drawing” of it but imagining seeing it is almost impossible, but I do believe it’s more than one third dimensions coexisting together, some would say that’s where dreams, ideas, ghosts, angels things that are only glimpses that pass through this dimension.
I believe the same. I came to a theory that I believe might be true. Our 3d dimension was created from either the 4th or 5th dimension. I know that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change form. So I believe that some how there was a rip through space and time causing massive amounts of pure 4th or 5th dimensional energy flooding into our 3d universe causing the Big Bang. Because of the Big Bang, the reason is because I believe that the other dimensions that I have mentioned are a dimension of pure energy. Like I said, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only change form. So when it happened the energy changed form into atoms and such, which make up everything in our known universe.
yes i am realy impresed about above discussion
thanks a lot for clear my concept about 4th dimension
thanks to all
Time is just a human tool of measurement .
Everything is moving in the collective continuum . The centre of your universe is you the individual .
To find matter three dimensions are sufficient. If 4th dimension exists, the living organizam have matter. As per mysterious videos that have seen i am concluding that the living things in 4th dimension are surrounding us but we are unable to see him with our naked eye. My question is that they have death or not. If so where the souls went. In hindu mythology VASHISTA went to heaven so many times for discussions but with soul only. he come back to the third dimension and enter in to his body.
still i am confusing.
Imaging the 4th dimension.
1 dimension has no definable amount of Width.
2 dimension has no definable amount of Width or Depth.
3 dimension has no definable amount of Width, Depth or Height.
(that is to say a point has no WDH only a placement, an object needs a range of WDH).
All objects are moving relatively and this takes time (4th dimension).
We all know that objects have more properties than WDH and time and that they are changing, Hence their are other dimensions we only know a little about and probably more we know nothing about.
If we don’t live in the fourth dimension which I presume in its silmplest form (blame wikipedia if I’m wrong) means time. if we don’t live in the 4th dimension how can I grow old (how does the matter of which my body is made of age and die), how can I see things around me change, how do we even have a construct or idea of what time may or may not be (the seconds, minutes and hours we see go by on a clock for example)?
I know my questions may only be philosophical at best but they may even have some meaning in physics as well, but those questions still mean something and hey it took me some “time” to write this comment.
My point or question rather is how can we have time in a social view but not in a physical view?
Great post! Have nice day ! 🙂 xpdba
What if the 4th D. is the eternal mind/being/inner voice, all else is just advanced tech .
We are in 4 dimensional world. but we are not 4 dimensional creatures .
to see 1 dimensional object we need 2 dimensionas.
as to see a dot we need a plane
to see 2 dimensional object we need 3 dimensions.
as to see a plane we need a cube.
to see 3 dimensional object we need 4 dimensions.
as we see a box if there is light; and a light its self a time.
Let’s say we are 4D creatures, our projection in 3D space would be the one sitting in front of the computer now, and there we survive in 3D. So we can still survive in 4D.
Besides, if we consider 4D space as an infinite set of 3D space, under mathematics, it’s inappropriate to predict situation of infinity from finite objects. Survival in 3D has no meaning in 4D, as we will be a collection of both dead and living organism, it’s impossible to state our state in one or two words.
Also, survival in 4D space may still be possible as we shouldn’t think those existing physical laws would still hold in in higher dimension. We all know they are just relative truth of nature.
This was an awesome read. Enjoyed all the theories in the comments.
I was always under the impression that different dimensions are everywhere, even in the world we live in, we just cant see them.. for example, using the paper example, if you hold a piece of paper flat in front of you, its obviously there, but the more you tilt it on its side the smaller it gets until its at an exact point where it becomes invisible to the eye. Different dimensions are parallel but happening concurrently.
We cube to see if not thesis for a 2-d no dimension inside.
I believe the 4th dimension is the spirit world. It’s a shame that main stream science doesn’t cover this subject
Time is just a construct of human imagination. Just like religion. Time is the distance between one object and another depending on the speed or velocity it takes to travel to point a to point b. Because space is so big and our Technology isn’t that advanced we cannot fold space to travel so “time” exists in our reality at the moment.
So your saying
( not really )
Deaths in dimensions
Teleported to 1st dimension: crushed to a singular finite point
Teleported to 2nd dimension: flattened into a image that would be impossibly flat in our dimension
Teleported to 3rd dimension: …. from age ( if you live a healthy and safe life that is )
Teleported to 4th dimension: expanded to the point were all your atoms would be in different points in time
So you would basically die in all of them
Micheal Lane, you believe religion is fake, but then believe the 4th dimension is a spirit world? Are you serious right now? No time is not from our imagination, it absolutely is part of our reality. Einstein describes this in his general theory of relativity, which is still valid. How we view time may not be it’s true nature, but that doesn’t mean time doesn’t exist or is imaginary.
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Mr Dirk, A spiritual dimension CAN exist without mankind’s attempted interpretation of it.
Mr Derk I mean, forgive me but spell check can be a pain.
The problem with us humans is our lack of the ability to imagine & perceive things and ideas from different angles…we allow ourselves to be dominated by one or another approach.
Now, I’m not saying that the “truth”is whatever we believe it to be.
There can only be one, but by using a more elastic point of view, we stand a much better chance of getting closer to it.
Provided that we first cast aside our predetermined ideas of what that truth should be.
I know this is quite philosophical in nature.
But perhaps our limited capacity of logic alone will never be enough to grapple certain things.
Maybe it’s time to merge our limited capacity of logic with something else.
Hey! How’s everybody doing.
I was just laughing to myself, that although I am ordered to stay in, I have astral options to travel. Plenty time to practice getting out of this dimension we live in.
This article says that we’d collapse disgustingly when brought into a 4-D void, just like a paper doll will crumple in three dimensions. But will atoms even work in 4-D? If the inverse-CUBE law applies rather than the inverse square law, would that 4-D droplet of 3-D human flesh even be disgusting, or just explodey?
Speaking of which, how would 4-D origami or even tensegrity work? Wouldn’t it be so cool if we could make creases or folds OUT of our plane?
By the way, @Hyouka, that’s a great way to think about time.
Though I find it a bit confusing what physicists think about that interpretation.
What if we have been lost in arrogance?
We live in a multi-dimensional world!
All dimensions already exist here, well more than 3 dimensions anyway.
We can only see 3d, yet the other dimensions exist here anyway , regardless of our human ability to see them.
So , does it mean that , we measure from our eyesight only?
Because our ears see beyond 3d, as well as our emotions, gut instincts which can penetrate walls and distances.
I see my mobile phone as I’m texting this (3d), I cannot see the back of my mobile, but it’s there nonetheless (my hand is in contact with it (4d).
Do we only confirm with the eye?
@Jono Mcmuffin
Well, our eyes see in 2-D (the colored silhouettes of our 3-D objects), which is natural: 2-D animals would just see a line, and 4-D animals would see the the 3-D surfaces of their world’s objects. To me, eyesight is a proof that we live in a 3-D world. Other proofs include the fact that spinning objects have a 1-D axis, the inverse-square law, an so on and so on. We do live in a multi-dimensional world; it just doesn’t have a whole lot.
I see a lot of comments down here about things such as “religion” or “spiritual world”, blah blah blah. We are not discussing religion. This question is asking about a scientific definition.
Let’s clear up the definition of “dimensions”. The nth dimension contains n different ways of “measurement”. the first dimension can have an x of all real numbers, the second can have x and y as all real numbers, and the third can have x, y, and z as all real numbers, etc.
Let us visualize a 3-dimensional sphere. By moving anywhere on the surface of the 3-dimensional sphere using two-dimensional movement will eventually allow you to return to your original location. Now, let us take a 2-dimensional “sphere” (a circle). On the surface of this “sphere”, a one-dimensional person can go in any direction and eventually reach their starting point.
Now, let us visualize a 4-dimensional “sphere”. Suppose we are the people on the surface. No matter where we go–up, down, left, right, or a combination of those–we will always return to the starting point if we move for long enough
Let us imagine a group of infinite planes (each of infinite width and length) each, say, 1 cm above another. Let us suppose the people here are “flatlanders”, or 2-dimensional people. As 3 dimensional creatures, we can view (and have minor influence over) all of these creatures. Meanwhile, the creatures will neither see us nor the other planes. However, we may affect the flatlanders (say, cut the plane), so they can partially observe a small amount of the 3-dimensional world.
Now let us suppose we are the flatlanders (that are in a 3-dimensional universe). Let us imagine the observers as people in 4-space. They have an infinite amount of closed shapes (x, y, and z of infinite size–in our perspective), each separated by 1 4-space unit (1 unit of the 4th measurement, be it time, or something else entirely; This is similar to the 1 cm of separation between the infinite 2d universes). We may be affected by traces of 4-space (or any space above 3. Gravity could be a measurement, say, 10-space or above, and affects everything smaller than or equal to 10-space). We can see that some amounts of 4-space exist, but we cannot manipulate it.
The final answer is that we don’t know. It also depends on what the 4th measurement type is. If it is “time”, we might already be in the 4th dimension, albeit only a single instant/location/object/point/etc. in 4-space. If it is something else entirely, we might be an infinitesimally small object or a flat surface to them.
I would say we already live in the 4th dimension, depending on if you follow the thought that time is the 4th dimension. As we can perceive the past, present, and future, we can therefore say that we “move” through time. We simply haven’t yet advanced enough, be it through technology or evolution, to control our movement through it. Without existing in the 4th dimension, life wouldn’t have evolved as the universe would simply be an area of space where absolutely nothing changes for eternity.
i believe that you go to 4d when you die only in sprit i av seen somthing odd i woke up in the middle of the night there was a shape off a face with ears it faded away slow i think that it came from the 4d where else could it av come from