Category Archives: Logic

Q: Why are scientists looking for life in space by looking for water? How can they be sure that all life uses water?

The original question was:  I’m reading more and more lately about the findings of the Kepler satellite and that some scientists are estimating that roughly 5% of newly discovered planets in our galaxy may have mass similar to Earth, which … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Astronomy, Biology, Logic | 7 Comments

Q: Why does light choose the “path of least time”?

Physicist: Light travels at different speeds in different materials.  When you shine a beam of light from one material into another (like from air to water) it bends in such a way that the path it takes from one point … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Equations, Geometry, Logic, Physics | 28 Comments

Q: Can you fix the “1/0 problem” by defining 1/0 as a new number?

The original question was: I’ve been relearning some things about imaginary numbers and the concept behind the number got me thinking about something else. Is there a reason that the quantity could not be defined in a similar way to … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Conventions, Logic, Math | 30 Comments

Q: How do you talk about the size of infinity? How can one infinity be bigger than another?

Physicist: When you have two finite sets it’s easy to say which one has more things in it.  You count up the number of things in each, compare the numbers, and which ever is more… is more.  However, with an … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Mathematician, -- By the Physicist, Logic, Math | 16 Comments

Q: Does Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem imply that it’s impossible to be logical?

The original question was: The question is in context with Kurt Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem. Question: If no formal logic can ever be, complete and consistent, does that mean, humans are illogical beings? Further elaboration of the question:  Imagine a mathematician … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Mathematician, -- By the Physicist, Logic, Math, Philosophical | 28 Comments