Category Archives: Math

Q: What’s the difference between black holes and worm holes? Could black holes take you to other universes?

Physicist: The short answer is: A worm hole is a “tube made of spacetime” that connects two different regions.  If it’s set up right, you could enter one side of the tube and exit the other end somewhere else, or … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Astronomy, Math, Physics, Relativity | 36 Comments

Q: What is the three body problem?

Physicist: The three body problem is to exactly solve for the motions of three (or more) bodies interacting through an inverse square force (which includes gravitational and electrical attraction). The problem with the 3-body problem is that it can’t be … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Astronomy, Equations, Philosophical, Physics | 29 Comments

Q: How are fractals made?

Physicist: There are a lot of ways. A fractal is just a structure that stays interesting no matter how far you zoom in.  More than that, generally you can’t tell how far you’ve zoomed in (it looks the same at … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Geometry, Math | 9 Comments

Q: How do those “executive ball clicker” things work?

The original question was: With the game for executives, consisting of several metal balls hanging in a straight, horizontal row (a “Newton’s cradle”), when one ball is lifted and let loose to hit the rest of the row, only one … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Math, Physics | 18 Comments

Q: Why does light choose the “path of least time”?

Physicist: Light travels at different speeds in different materials.  When you shine a beam of light from one material into another (like from air to water) it bends in such a way that the path it takes from one point … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Equations, Geometry, Logic, Physics | 28 Comments

Q: What are integral transforms and how do they work?

Mathematician: If you have a function f(x) and a function k(x,s) then you can (as long as the product of f(x) times k(x,s) is integrable on the set X) always form another function of a new variable s as follows: … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Mathematician, Engineering, Equations, Math | 9 Comments