Category Archives: Philosophical

Q: Are numbers real?

Physicist: This question usually comes in the form of “are complex numbers real?” or “are negative numbers real?” or something along those lines.  Turns out you can answer all of these questions at once (if you make up a nice … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Math, Philosophical | 11 Comments

Q: Do the past and future exist? If they do, is the future determined and what does that mean for quantum randomness?

Physicist: This is a difficult question to even ask, because the word “exist” carries with it some “time-based assumptions”.  For example, if you ask “does the Colossus of Rhodes exist?” the correct answer should be “it did, but it doesn’t … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Philosophical, Physics, Quantum Theory, Relativity | 52 Comments

Q: Is darkness a wave the way light is a wave? What is the speed of dark?

Physicist: The very short answer is no: darkness is not a wave.  There are no waves in the dark for very much the same reason that there’s no surfing (or ocean waves) in Death Valley.  Darkness, being an absence of … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Philosophical, Physics | 41 Comments

Q: In an infinite universe, does everything that’s possible have to happen somewhere?

The original question was: Lets say that we determine that an event is physically possible. So that means the probability of that event is greater than zero. Right? So my question is this. Is there any sense in saying that … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Philosophical, Probability | 65 Comments

Q: Is it possible to experience different rates of time? If time were to speed up, slow down, or stop, what would you experience?

Physicist: It depends a little on how you define “experience”, but in general you’ll always experience time moving in exactly the same way.  So sci-fi movies where the characters are experiencing slowed-down or sped-up time and are having a hard … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Philosophical, Physics, Relativity | 18 Comments

Q: How many theorems are there?

Physicist: Every sub-field in math and physics has at least hundreds, and there are hundreds or thousands of sub-fields.  So overall we’ve proven… At least millions? This is one of those things that can’t really have an exact answer, or … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Math, Philosophical | 6 Comments