Category Archives: — By the Physicist

Q: Would it be possible to create an antimatter weapon by “harvesting” enough antimatter, containing it in an electro-magnetic field and placing that in a projectile?

Physicist: Yes, but it wouldn’t be easy. Anti-matter is generated one particle at a time, randomly, during high-energy collisions.  These collisions produce all kinds of particles, including a lot of light (which is just wasted energy).  But if you want … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Physics | 11 Comments

Q: If Earth was flat, would there be a horizon? If so, what would it look like? If the Earth was flat and had infinite area, would that change the answer?

Physicist: There’d definitely still be a horizon if the Earth were flat.  It would be in almost exactly the same place, and look essentially identical.  While the Earth isn’t flat, adherents to that theory are correct in that it’s nearly … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Geometry, Physics | 73 Comments

Q: Is there an experiment which could provide conclusive evidence for either the Many Worlds or Copenhagen interpretations of quantum physics?

Physicist: Probably not. Tiny things don’t act the way they should.  You got super-positions, wave-like behavior, action at a distance, quantum tunneling, quantum teleportation, interaction-free detection, all kinds of things that should be impossible or paradoxical but aren’t.  The laws … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Experiments, Philosophical, Physics, Quantum Theory | 7 Comments

Q: If you could drill a tunnel through the whole planet and then jumped down this tunnel, how would you fall?

Physicist: This is a beautiful question, in a small part because it’s an interesting thought experiment with some clever math, but mostly because of all the reasons it couldn’t be done and wouldn’t work.  Right off the bat; clearly a … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Brain Teaser, Physics | 103 Comments

Q: How many people riding bicycle generators would be needed, in an 8-hour working day, to equal or surpass the energy generated by an average nuclear power plant?

Physicist: A person on a bike can optimistically generate around 200 watts, and an average nuclear power plant generates 800 MW of power (although a big nuclear power plant generates many times more power than a small one). Given those … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Engineering | 2 Comments

Q: Why is hitting water from a great height like hitting concrete?

The original question was: I know that if you hit water at a certain speed it is supposed to crush your body like you have hit concrete. Is this the case for all liquids or is something to do with … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Physics | 33 Comments