Category Archives: — By the Physicist

Q: How do “Numerology Math Tricks” work? (adding digits and tricks with nines)

The original question was: Please help me solve this math card trick, I do not understand how it works: If you take a deck of 52 cards and split it into any number of piles (lets say 3) and count … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Brain Teaser, Math, Number Theory | 10 Comments

Q: What is a magnetic field?

Physicist: Magnetic fields are nothing more than the result of combining an electric field with the effects of relativity. First some background.  Magnetic fields were first defined in such a way that iron filings will point in the direction of … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Physics, Relativity | 32 Comments

Q: What is the probability that two randomly chosen people will have been born on the same day?

Physicist: 0.0035% or about 1 in 28,500. The most recent, complete information I could find is the 2000 American census.  There they have the number of people of a particular age sorted into five year blocks, so I assumed a … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Probability | 4 Comments

Q: Which is a better approach to quantum mechanics: Copenhagen or Many Worlds?

Physicist: The Copenhagen interpretation requires that new laws be created that, in addition to being impossible, are completely unnecessary, physically unfeasible, and utterly unjustifiable.  The basic laws of quantum mechanics, when applied at all scales, give you the Many Worlds … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Paranoia, Philosophical, Physics, Quantum Theory, Skepticism | 58 Comments

Q: Why is our vision blurred underwater?

Physicist: The speed of light depends on the medium it moves through.  So as light moves from air to glass, for example, it slows down.  Because light is a little spread out, speeding up or slowing down can make it … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Biology, Physics | 9 Comments

Q: In the NEC “faster than light” experiment, did they really make something go faster than light?

The original question was: I was reading an article by Lijun Wang the experiment I think is called the NEC experiment.  Basically what the guy does is speed up light so that it goes faster than the than the speed … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Physics, Relativity, Skepticism | 15 Comments