Category Archives: Particle Physics

Q: How is matter created? Can we create new matter and would that be useful?

Physicist: This was an interesting back-and-forth, so the original questions are italicized. What was the energy at the start of the universe and how did it create matter? If the question is “how much?” or “where did it come from?”, … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Astronomy, Engineering, Particle Physics, Physics | 150 Comments

Q: Is getting plasma really hot the only way to initiate fusion?

Physicist: No.  But for all practical purposes, yes. “Fusion” is a pair of atoms coming together and fusing (hence the name) into a single, larger atom.  In a chemical bond, like hydrogen and oxygen linking up to form water, the … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Particle Physics, Physics | 4 Comments

Q: How likely is it that there’s dark matter in me right now?

Physicist: Probably very likely!  Probably! When we look out into the universe we find that on galactic scales and up that most of the mass in the universe is “dark”.  Based on how galaxies form, move, collide, and bend light … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Astronomy, Paranoia, Particle Physics, Physics, Probability | 8 Comments

Q: Half-life?

The original question was: If you have a lump of radioactive material with a half life of say 10,000 years, then how come it could start steadily decaying right away? Why wouldn’t everything be relatively stable for 10,000 years and … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Logic, Particle Physics, Physics, Probability | 8 Comments

Q: Could dark matter actually be the “gravitational shadow” of parallel universes?

Physicist: The very short answer is: nope.  Well… almost certainly nope. “Dark matter” is stuff that we can’t see or touch, but we know it exists because it affects the motion of regular matter, which we can see.  Although there … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Astronomy, Particle Physics, Physics | 31 Comments

Q: Could the “proton torpedoes” in Star Wars be a thing?

Physicist: If you’re a fan of Star Wars you may remember proton torpedoes from Episode IV as the only weapon that, when fired down an exposed thermal exhaust port on the Death Star, would “…start a chain reaction which should … Continue reading

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Particle Physics, Physics | 9 Comments