Q: Are there physical limits in the universe other than the speed of light?

Physicist: Hells yeah.

Fastest fast: This is worth commenting on since you often hear “nothing can travel faster then light”, but the justification is almost always missing.  The universe seems to be pretty happy thinking of the speed of light as being the same to everybody first (Maxwell’s Laws give you the speed of light, but Maxwell’s laws are the same to everybody so the speed of light is the same to everybody), and as a speed limit second.  Since you always see light moving at the same speed, then no matter how much you speed up, it will always pass you by.  So catching up to it isn’t an option, and everyone will always see you traveling slower than the speed of light.

Densest dense: The harder you compress something, the denser it becomes.  Normally this is reflected in the distance between atoms shrinking.  However, if the pressure is great enough, the atoms will find that it’s easier to have their electrons merge with their protons which then turn into neutrons (and also spit out neutrinos, but whatever).  Without battling electron shells, the once mostly-empty atoms can be packed nucleus-to-nucleus.  Pressures and densities this high only seem to show up in neutron stars (guess where the name comes from).  By way of comparison, here are some densities (in kilograms per liter): Air = 0.0012, People = 1, the Sun = 1.4, Iron = 7.8, Gold = 19.3, Neutron Star = 500,000,000,000,000.

You can also cheat a little.  If a neutron star has a mass of more than about 5 Suns it will collapse into a blackhole, which is technically more dense.

Coldest cold: You might have guessed: zero.  Specifically 0°K = -273°C = -460°F.  However, this is more of an “asymptotic limit” and can never quite be reached.  An object with a temperature of absolute zero will have no atomic movement (heat) whatsoever, but that’s not possible.  One way of thinking about it is in terms of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle which, in a paraphrased nutshell, states: “You can’t have both a perfectly certain position and a perfectly certain momentum”.  Where \Delta x and \Delta p are the position and momentum errors respectively, the uncertainty principle can be written: \Delta x \Delta p \ge \frac{\hbar}{2}.

So if you’ve got a substance and you have any idea where it is (\Delta x < \infty), then you can’t be sure that the momentum is zero, and the object will always have at least a little atomic movement.  Most people who have heard of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle are under the impression that it’s a limit on how well we can know about an object.  In fact, it’s far better to think of it as a description of how well the universe can know about an object.

Despite the difficulties imposed by the uncertainty principle, we can still get things crazy cold.  The world record for lowest temperature now stands at 0.0000000001°K = 0.1 nK.

Hottest hot: There are actually two limits here, depending on how you phrase the question.  The first is the theoretical upper limit, which depends on which theory you’re working with, but is often quoted around 1030 °K.  These limits have to do with “the graininess” of space, and how much energy can be forced into a particular region.

The second kind of limit is more practical.  As a gas is heated its atoms move faster and faster.  When they collide they bounce off of each other and often create photons (light), which generally just go on to push other atoms around.  However, as the temperature approaches about 4 billion °C, the atoms of the gas will often have enough energy to create electron/positron pairs (“E=mc2“, where “E” is the kinetic energy of the gas atoms, and “m” is the total mass of the electron/positron pair).  Normally these newly created particles will almost immediately find other electrons and positrons and annihilate, creating light.  But sometimes they’ll create neutrinos instead of light.  Neutrinos are “weakly interacting” (which is science speak for “goes through walls, no problem”), so the energy used to create them just flies into space, never to be seen again (or just about never).  This has the effect that a gas with a temperature above around 4,000,000,000°C will cool off on its own (without seeming to radiate any energy).  For comparison, the core temperature of the Sun is about 15.7 million °C.

The Sudbury neutrino detector: 40 feet across, and among the more evil looking things ever built. Image stolen without remorse from "http://zuserver2.star.ucl.ac.uk/~idh/apod/ap990623.html"

This is sometimes important during stellar collapse.  If a star needs to have a core temperature above the cut-off point to hold itself up, then it’s not going to hold itself up.

Smallest small: Again, for “uncertainty principle type reasons” it doesn’t make sense to talk about objects or events smaller than the Planck scale, which is about 10-35m.  So far, nobody can think of anything in the universe, at any scale, that would really care, or be able to tell the difference between two points separated by 10-35m.

Emptiest empty: One version of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle can be written “\Delta E \Delta t \ge \frac{\hbar}{2}“, which means that the time and energy of something can’t both be perfectly well known (not even by the universe, the quantities themselves are uncertain).  If you apply this principle to empty space you’ll notice that over short enough time scales there will be measurable, non-zero energy, and over really short time scales you’ll find particles popping in and out of existence.  These particles are called “virtual particles”, and this phenomena is sometimes described as a “particle foam”.

So even with a perfect vacuum, you’ll still have crap around.  This crap is often called the “vacuum energy” or “zero point energy”.

One of the few examples of a device that can harness the vacuum energy of the universe to charge your chrystals or whatever. This illustration of "pyramid power" stolen from "http://www.merlinsrealm.com/pyramid-power.htm"

Sadly, harvesting the vacuum energy is physically impossible (it would violate the uncertainty principle).  The vacuum energy amounts to about 10-13J/m3, or about “the energy a baseball has falling off a table per volume of Lake Superior“.

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Astronomy, Physics, Quantum Theory, Relativity | 18 Comments

Q: Is it of any coincidence that mathematics is able to describe physical reality – given that both are inventions of the human mind?

Physicist: There’s a lot of math that doesn’t describe physical reality at all, and even some (few) mathematicians who feel that
“applicability” is just another word for “impurity”.  The ability of math to describe reality is just a consequence of the fact that reality is nice and consistent.

The fact that the math we use (addition, subtraction, geometry, calculus, whathaveyou) works is no coincidence at all.  Mathematics literally evolves in the sense that, if something doesn’t work, then people will ignore it.  So if you have a theory that \pi = 7, great, but no one will use it because it’s patently, provably false.  It doesn’t describe reality (in this case the reality that the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle is \pi), so it goes the way of the Woolly Mammoth.


I assume that this question is about perceived reality (colors only exist in the brain, whereas in reality there is no “blueness” or “redness”), and not physical reality.  The fact that we can only describe (mathematically and otherwise) the reality we perceive does guide the direction of mathematical research, and as we perceive more we find that the field of math expands accordingly.  For example; number theory wasn’t much more than a hobby before digital communication and RSA encryption, and differential geometrywas mostly a nuisance (and anal-retentive over-generalization) until general relativity cropped up.  Now these are both thriving fields of research (in computer science and physics, respectively).

However, just because something works in your head has absolutely no bearing on whether or not it will work in reality (which you would expect if the physical world were created by our minds).  Very good, very reasonable ideas get shot down by experiment every day, and we are constantly surprised.

Philosopher: If we assume the external world exists (independent of our minds), Math’s correspondence to reality is no more coincidental than the correspondence to reality of theories stated in any other language.  This isn’t dependent on the existence of mathematical objects, and it’s not dependent on Mathematical truths existing independently of humans (though I think they do).  If we assume the external world is merely an “invention of the human mind”, then the correspondence of Math to the world is even less coincidental, since the same thing is the author of both.

Posted in -- By the Physicist, -- Guest Author, Evolution, Math, Paranoia, Philosophical | 3 Comments

Q: If you were to break down an average human body into its individual atoms, and then laid the atoms out in a single straight line, how far would it stretch?

Physicist: Atoms are a little “fuzzy”, so their exact size is a little tricky to define.  So taking their size in terms of bond length, and looking at the most common elements in the human body (by mass: 65% oxygen, 18% carbon, and 10% hydrogen), you’ll find that 1kg of person will stretch about 7 trillion km.  So an average (80kg) human would extend about 550 trillion km, or about 14 billion loops around the equator, or 1.4 billion trips to the moon, or about 58 light years.

So you can fit a rich man through the eye of a needle, but be sure to coil him up after you string him out.  Otherwise the process will take at least 58 years.

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Biology, Brain Teaser | 4 Comments

Q: What’s it like when you travel at the speed of light?

Physicist: From a classical (Newtonian) view point this is a completely solid question.  However, in the context of special relativity the question itself is (unfortunately) non-sense.  For many practical purposes, the speed of light (hereafter I’ll call it “C”) is “infinitely fast”.  If you define infinitely fast as the speed you’ll be going if you accelerate forever, then C is exactly that.

Normally when you want to figure out “the behavior at infinity” you can “take a limit”.  For example; the limit as x goes to infinity of 1/x is 0.  This statement just means that as x gets bigger and bigger 1/x gets closer and closer to zero.  So by looking at the behavior at larger and larger finite values you can talk about what happens at infinity.  C, on the other hand, is fundamentally different from all other speeds.

At a basic level, speed is just distance traveled over time taken (as in “miles per hour”).  Due to the laws of special relativity, movement affects both the relative distances and relative time between two reference frames.

As a quick aside, a “reference frame” is just the set of all things that are moving at the same speed or, equivalently, are stationary with respect to each other.  So if you’re traveling down the highway you’re in the same frame as all the other cars around you (if everyone’s going the same speed), while the repair teams and clean-up crews on the shoulder are in a different reference frame.

It may seem silly to say it, but no matter how fast you move you still see things passing by, and it still takes at least a little time to get where you’re going.  At C however, the distance to your destination is always zero due to length contraction, while the time it takes to get there is also zero due to time dilation.  If you were to calculate your own speed you would say v= \frac{d}{t} = \frac{0}{0} = ?, which makes no damn sense.  I mean, what is that?

The universe: As seen by something traveling slower than C, and something traveling at C.

Also, consider this: at any other speed you can speed up or slow down, but at C you genuinely don’t have time to step on the brakes or the gas.  Literally, “time” and “distance” are phenomena that only make sense if you’re talking about them at speeds slower than C.  Stuff in the universe is divided into two categories: “massive” and “massless”.  Massive objects (anything with mass) always travel slower than C, while massless things must travel at C.

All that being said, you can wave your hands and talk about what life is like for a photon, that can’t exist at sub-light speeds (after all, what speed would you expect light to move at?).  When a photon is generated it immediately takes off at C, and never slows down until it runs into something.  Photons never experience time or distance.  As far as they’re concerned they are emitted and absorbed at the same place and time.  Many of the radio photons hitting you right now (about a third of them), have been traveling for around 15 billion years, but they think that the beginning of the universe just happened (or would, if they could think).

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Physics, Relativity | 13 Comments

Q: Is there a real life example where two negatives make a positive?

Physicist: Although the laws of the universe are very absolute, the equations and terms we use are generally easy to rewrite and rephrase.  For example: it seems natural to describe the motion of a ball in terms of its altitude.  In this case gravity is negative (it decreases altitude).  But if instead you describe the motion of the ball in terms of “distance fallen”, then gravity becomes positive.

The classic example of the “arbitrarity of sign” is Ben Franklin’s horrifying mistake.  At the time that he was working it was impossible to tell where charge came from (in terms of electrons and protons), so he arbitrarily chose negative to be what we now know is the charge on electrons, and positive to be the charge on protons.  It makes no difference to the physical laws, which only care that the charges are different.  But it is annoying to electrical engineers who are haunted by the fact that “current”, which is defined as the flow of positive charge, actually points in the opposite direction in which the electrons move.

The point is this: I can’t think of any example of putting together two negative things and getting a positive thing, that couldn’t equally well be thought of as putting together to negative things and getting another negative thing.  For example: the force between two negative charges is repulsive.  So if you want to define “apart” as positive then two negatives (charges) makes a positive (force).  But if you define “together” as positive then two negatives make a negative.

Feynman summed up the general feeling in physics toward sign error (flipping positive/negative) when he said “If the sign is wrong, change it.”  So if, after lengthy calculation, you find that the moon is  – 238857 miles away, don’t stress about it.

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Philosophical, Physics | 12 Comments

Q: Do the “laws” of physics and math exist? If so, where? Are they discovered or invented/created by humans?

The original question was:

Mathematicians sometimes say, “There exists a number such that . . .”  Which provokes me to ask, Where does it exist? For how long has it existed? Did numbers exist before people did? Or did people somehow create (instead of discover) them?

In her “Incompleteness” quasi-biography of Godel (not a bad mathematician), Rebecca Goldstein emphasizes that he was a Platonist about math. What’s the current state of Platonism in math?

And such questions can be extended to the “laws” of physics: Do they exist?  If so, where? And for how long? Are they discovered (implying prior existence) or invented/created by humans?

Some comments relating to such issues would be interesting!

Physicist: Discovered.  Although most of the laws that can be re-arranged and expressed in different ways.  For example you can express “conservation of total momentum” as “the velocity of the center of mass never changes”.

A good physicist (one who pick their words carefully) will avoid saying that one thing or another is “true”.  Physics, and the laws we come up with, don’t exist “out there somewhere”.  Boiled down to its most basic, what we study is “what has worked before, and still seems to work” as opposed to “what is true”.

For example: Einstein showed that Newtonian physics is wrong (so wrong), but it still “works”.  If you learn Newton’s stuff you’ll notice that it’s fairly intuitive (compared to some other sciences at least), and seems to be true.  It was taught as fact for over 200 years, but again: wrong.  Taking this, and dozens of other similar stories as a warning, physicists try to talk only about what works and not what’s true.

That being said, some of the laws that have been found may actually be true, written into the nature of the universe.  I’d like to say that we know at least a few of them for sure, and that if what we know is wrong then the universe is entirely fucked.  However, that has been exactly the case before (I’m looking at you wave-particle duality), so who knows?

I like the hat best.

The pitiable population of "Monopoly". Are the rules they perceive the same as the rules written on the box? They could pass Go forever, and never know.

The laws we have could easily be special cases of the true laws (like Newtonian mechanics in relativistic mechanics), or could be merely the descriptions of the behavior created by those laws.

As far as the physical laws of the universe actually, physically existing in some form somewhere (this is the total extent of my understanding of Platonism): no, I don’t think there are very many scientists who think that.

Posted in -- By the Physicist, Philosophical | 14 Comments